Cavalary: Just pointing out the odd coincidence, two people reporting finishing the same game within moments of each other, both reporting it took them over 100h.
Yeah, what are the odds, lol. Not sure a game being shorter would make it more likely that two people finish it at the same time, though.
Anyway, just finished
Assassin's Creed IV: Freedom Cry on PS4. So, it's a downscaled version of Black Flag in every way and while I appreciate the theme and everything it's just not very good. The new mechanics related to liberating slaves are badly executed and, if you overthink things, pretty distasteful. Frankly I just wanted to get it over with and breezed through the story missions, skipping almost everything else, and luckily the whole thing can be finished in like two hours or so. But even though I was hoping that it would be short I was still kinda disappointed by how abruptly it ends, the final mission is a very basic assassination like hundreds before it in the series and there's no notable aftermath or anything. A short conversation with the only other remotely developed character in the DLC and the credits roll. I was expecting a bit more, especially after a pretty spectacular and emotional sequence in the penultimate mission. Too bad.
Well, seven AC games down, four to go.
Edit: Since the credits started rolling I've made some coffee, taken a dump, read a review of the new game by Supermassive Games, carefully checked out today's GOG deals, read the main Assassin's Creed article on Wikipedia a bit and written this post. And they are still rolling. It's taking friggin' forever. Seriously, I think they've been going on for like 20 minutes now?
Holy crap. They literally last almost half an hour. That's like a quarter of how long it takes to actually finish the game if you skip side activities.