Posted May 31, 2016
Divinity 2: Director's Cut - This is a meaty RPG, with lots of combat but feels underwritten. The base game is very combat focused, while the expansion content was much more enjoyable to me, with its emphasis on questing and less so on the combat. The combat mechanics doesn't have any glaring faults, but it can be tedious to fight through many hordes of enemies. Playing as an archer didn't pose any problems, except for a few indoor fights that thankfully weren't too challenging. It's a fun experience, with some impressive vistas, but the story is underdeveloped and frankly not that interesting until the expansion content. The expansion content has many more quests, often multistage ones that overlap with other ones as well. Overall, it's a enjoyable game to immerse yourself into and fight some mobs.
Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault - This game, following a squad of soldiers in the Pacific Theater, can get quite intense at times and outright frustrating at others. There's some basic squad commands, but I was never really sure that they were working - it's not the same level of control as in Brothers in Arms. Also, although you're in a squad, you're doing all the work - you have to push ahead to get your fellow squad members to follow, all the while they're shouting at you to accomplish some objective (and asking why you're taking so long) or shooting you in the back. This squad chatter would be good, but the repeating nature of it can grate. The gameplay is fine, set in mostly jungle locations, at times it can be quite atmospheric and tense. Overall, it's a typical WWII first person person, it doesn't impress but it doesn't disappoint either.
Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault - This game, following a squad of soldiers in the Pacific Theater, can get quite intense at times and outright frustrating at others. There's some basic squad commands, but I was never really sure that they were working - it's not the same level of control as in Brothers in Arms. Also, although you're in a squad, you're doing all the work - you have to push ahead to get your fellow squad members to follow, all the while they're shouting at you to accomplish some objective (and asking why you're taking so long) or shooting you in the back. This squad chatter would be good, but the repeating nature of it can grate. The gameplay is fine, set in mostly jungle locations, at times it can be quite atmospheric and tense. Overall, it's a typical WWII first person person, it doesn't impress but it doesn't disappoint either.