SteamWorld Dig Some people say it's a short game. My opinion is, however, a bit different. Unfortunately the game simply lacks the content. A lot of digging, sure, but besides that... not so much. Don't get me wrong, I had a blast playing it for... what was it? Three hours and forty minutes!
Levels are randomly generated but frankly, it hardly matters. There are way too few features/block types/enemies in this game. Yeah, it's randomized but every part looks awfully similar to any other part of the level. I don't think it would make a game worse if it wasn't randomized.
There a few puzzle rooms where you can get a new ability/equipment. The only problem is that those puzzles are extremely straightforward and you may solve them before realizing that it was actually a puzzle! Only the last room is different because it's filled with a few nasty traps. So this one was great but the rest... just nothing special.
I thought that I would be able to create my own mine and enhance it every time I sell some ores. Alas, nothing like that can be found here. True, you have to be careful how you dig so that you won't trap yourself. But the only enhancements you can place in your mine are:
- lamps (I've never ever used them)
- ladders which can save you if you botched up mine design or fell into a pit
- teleports that can save you some backtracking
Well, even Diggers and Diggers 2 - flawed little games from 90s - had more mine customizations like lifts, doors, rails... too bad there is nothing like that in SteamWorld Dig. You just dig a hole and extract minerals, nothing else.
It is worth mentioning that digging is perfectly balanced: by the time you reach harder soils you either get a new equipment or have enough money to upgrade your old one so that digging is not taking too long.
Let me repeat once again: the game is very entertaining and it will give you a lot of fun for several hours. However, I do wish it was more complex and replay-worthy. I still wholeheartedly recommend it to any fan of simple-yet-entertaining games. Finding the most precious and well hidden minerals is really rewarding!
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