Posted November 23, 2014

Still, tastes differ and if you don't like the gameplay at all or you're fed up with D&D, it's fine to move on, of course. :)

Regarding playing as a spellcaster, the big problem was that my minions just would not get aggro on enemies assuming they decided to attack at all. So until I loaded enough to get lucky and win, fights basically went along 1 of 3 lines:
1) Enemy is running at me. I cast a spell -> enemy is now in melee range. Cast another spell -> Attack of Opportunity -> Dead or spell interrupted -> repeat.
2) Enemy is running at me. I cast a spell -> enemy is now in melee range. Run away -> Attack of Opportunity -> Dead or keep running -> repeat.
3) Enemy is running at me. I run away -> Either I reach an NPC who kills the enemy granting me no XP or the enemy catches up and kills me.

The game is already hard as a pornstar's fake tits, but to actually complete the game, I had to mold my balls with stainless steel, and still didn't hurt as much as the last fucking boss, hell I almost die cuz of that son of a bitch

Playing the 2nd one yet? I had difficulty beating the intro stage. I don't think I made any real progress past that.