DodoGeo: This is a good topic to follow your battle versus the backlog monster, but I've got one nagging question.
When or how do you declare a game like Civilization, Fallen Enchatress, Master of Magic finished?
For me personally, any game featuring a campaign can be called finished when that's been done even though the game supports say skirmish play forever. In shooters with sp and mp I call it done when the sp is completed even though I may continue playing the mp indefinitely. When I play some MMO that never ends for years or even "just" hundreds of hours and I decide I am done, I call that finished. In the case of an MMO I would never call it finished if i hadn't gotten at least one character to level cap as of the time I decide I am done.
I don't think it really needs to even be about how long something is either. Some little indies can be finished in a matter of a few hours or less but they are still games one plays and finishes while at the same time not holding a candle to finishing the likes of say Baldur's Gate II complete.
It is only my own take and I imagine everyone makes their own rules to some extent but I just make my own call when I am finished with something although I wouldn't play some game halfway through and call that finished even though I am done with it. If some game, say some 20 hour game clearly has an ending point and I only play maybe 10 hours and toss it or whatever, I don't call that finished even though again in that case I am finished with it.
I just realized that I might not have answered your question well at all since I've not played those particular games and for all I know they don't have campaigns. I was reminded of this just now because there is one other category of games I like to take note of here just for myself and that is multiplayer games played this year, as in games that have no ending of any kind whatsoever, like mp only shooters such as Q3A. So I figure in any given year I'd like to just make note of the ones I spend time with as they are part of all that I play in a year's time and MMOs I play but which I am not done with fall into this category for me too.
If I played a strategy game with no campaign I guess I'd have to make a little category to put that under until such time as I'd had my fill of it. I forget now but I think Sins of a Solar Empire is like this? I've heard of some games which don't have campaigns.