I'm kind of ignoring this thread this year, but I just finished something I considered special, so I decided to post.
The game is Metro 2033, and I now put it among the best games I have ever played.
Now, I know many won't agree with me, and that's ok, it's not perfect, but I loved it. It has a somewhat HL2 feeling, combined with an atmosphere comparable to Stalker (and by that, I mean it's as good as a game can get). I have seen comparisons to many other games, even CoD, but the gameplay is actually pretty varied. Some moments can feel CoD-like, very scripted and on-rails (sometimes literally). Some levels are more open, usually the ones you can try to stealth through. Most of the game is like Half-Life 2: linear, but with some room for exploration.
Combine that with a great story and nice characters, and you get a (IMO sadly) overlooked gem. Fortunately, Metro: Last Light is still coming along, and I can't wait for it.*
*Actually, I can wait for a sale =)