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low rated

Sounds pretty sick, like an online version of escort girls. The people willing to pay for that must be pretty pathetic weirdoes.
low rated

Sounds pretty sick, like an online version of escort girls. The people willing to pay for that must be pretty pathetic weirdoes.
Why so?

People already (more or less) "pay" for women(or men/etc) via gifts/dates & marriage, or swipe left/right/etc on various apps and sites for random "fun"(well more so before the covid scare).
low rated
The people willing to pay for that must be pretty pathetic weirdoes.
I'm sorry, but let me decide what I spend my money on.
The article says the egirls play games and listen to your problems. Have people completely forgotten that voice chat is free in multiplayer games? Just start going on about your day in Left 4 Dead or Team Fortress 2 and you'll get the response you need, and it's free.
Post edited March 21, 2020 by user deleted

Sounds pretty sick, like an online version of escort girls. The people willing to pay for that must be pretty pathetic weirdoes.
Sounds a pretty fun and useful service, fortunately I'm already married to my eWoman

Sounds pretty sick, like an online version of escort girls. The people willing to pay for that must be pretty pathetic weirdoes.
How come? To me that sounds just perfect! A girl acting amazed by my gaming skills and my taste on games, rubbing my ego instead of my penis.

"Wow you are so good! I've never seen anyone play this game that good! What is this game anyway, seems very interesting. You seem to have a good hunch for great games, you should be a professional game reviewer at Kotaku."

I just jizzed in my pants. Not literally, but metamorphorically.
Women: Don't objectify me, I'm a person not an object!
Also Women: Also please subscribe to my private instagram for nudes.

Indeed, hard to think of anything more erotic than an egirl telling you in her seductive voice that you've got what it takes to be a member of the gaming elite at Kotaku, hehe...
Crosmando: Women: Don't objectify me, I'm a person not an object!
Also Women: Also please subscribe to my private instagram for nudes.

More like:
Woman 1: Don't objectify me, I'm a person not an object!
Woman 2: please subscribe to my private instagram for nudes.

Sounds pretty sick, like an online version of escort girls. The people willing to pay for that must be pretty pathetic weirdoes.
But what is really missing from this article is how do I digitise my wang?
nightcraw1er.488: But what is really missing from this article is how do I digitise my wang?
Shame on you, dong should always be open source and available to everyone whether they ask for it or not. Freeware until it becomes abandonware, that's the circle of life.
Better play visual novels, watch anime, read manga etc.
nightcraw1er.488: But what is really missing from this article is how do I digitise my wang?
Maybe put it in a scanner?
Post edited March 21, 2020 by morolf
low rated
DadJoke007: The article says the egirls play games and listen to your problems. Have people completely forgotten that voice chat is free in multiplayer games? Just start going on about your day in Left 4 Dead or Team Fortress 2 and you'll get the response you need, and it's free.
these communities may be bit too toxic.
low rated
DadJoke007: More like:
Woman 1: Don't objectify me, I'm a person not an object!
Woman 2: please subscribe to my private instagram for nudes.
No, sometimes it's the same woman saying both...some women(and men) are like that.