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Licurg: Amateur...
Can you survive such situation?
I hope he, at least, got an achievement for this...
Licurg: Amateur...
Roxolani: Can you survive such situation?
If I have enough beer, then yeah, I can .
PhilD: I hope he, at least, got an achievement for this...
"Played to death"
Post edited January 26, 2015 by Licurg
His soul was transferred into the videogame :3
AmeIie: His soul was transferred into the videogame :3
Omikron ^^
gunsynd: Not much,one can say is there?
drealmer7: get off your asses and do some exercise and just
play games standing instead of sitting
Doing exercise? But people here argued that PC gaming is sport.
Post edited January 27, 2015 by Klumpen0815
AmeIie: His soul was transferred into the videogame :3
Okay in the last day or two our lovely Amelie has watched one of the following:

Lawnmower Man
Ghost In the Machine
Lawnmower Man 2
Tron Legacy
or Transcendence

Hey they're all fun! :D
Person whose life is going badly makes bad decisions that makes it worse. Terrible and tragic. But this is olds, not news.

Some people drink themselves to death. Some people do other drugs. Some people commit suicide directly. Some people play games until their heart gives out.

There's always going to be someone who makes a bad decision under this kind of pressure. I'm more worried about the society that lets a guy stay in a cafe for 3 days. That part can be changed. Preventing this is why pubs have legal closing times now. Maybe it's time to extend that to other types of businesses.
Post edited January 27, 2015 by Gilozard
tinyE: Okay in the last day or two our lovely Amelie has watched one of the following:

Lawnmower Man
Ghost In the Machine
Lawnmower Man 2
Tron Legacy
or Transcendence

Hey they're all fun! :D
Alternatively, Stay Alive. Or even this scene from Freddy's Dead.
tinyE: Okay in the last day or two our lovely Amelie has watched one of the following:

Lawnmower Man
Ghost In the Machine
Lawnmower Man 2
Tron Legacy
or Transcendence

Hey they're all fun! :D
Grargar: Alternatively, Stay Alive. Or even this scene from Freddy's Dead.
SHIT! I knew I was forgetting a few. What would I do without you Grargar?
Licurg: Amateur...
My first thought, but let's be honest this has more to do with age than other things. I'm in my 30s as well and I would never try a 3 day marathon while as in my teens and 20s that wouldn't have been a big risk at all. I doubt I'd die if I did it now but I sure won't try. I'd probably fall asleep before it became dangerous.
Post edited January 27, 2015 by awalterj
Licurg: Amateur...
awalterj: My first thought, but let's be honest this has more to do with age than other things. I'm in my 30s as well and I would never try a 3 day marathon while as in my teens and 20s that wouldn't have been a big risk at all. I doubt I'd die if I did it now but I sure won't try. I'd probably fall asleep before it became dangerous.
There's the difference to obsession.
Licurg: Amateur...
awalterj: My first thought, but let's be honest this has more to do with age than other things. I'm in my 30s as well and I would never try a 3 day marathon while as in my teens and 20s that wouldn't have been a big risk at all. I doubt I'd die if I did it now but I sure won't try. I'd probably fall asleep before it became dangerous.
I don't think it's age as much as physical condition and/or congenital problems. An average adult in his 30s could probably do it without any major health problems. It's still a stupid thing to do even if you're 18.
awalterj: My first thought, but let's be honest this has more to do with age than other things. I'm in my 30s as well and I would never try a 3 day marathon while as in my teens and 20s that wouldn't have been a big risk at all. I doubt I'd die if I did it now but I sure won't try. I'd probably fall asleep before it became dangerous.
Siegor: I don't think it's age as much as physical condition and/or congenital problems. An average adult in his 30s could probably do it without any major health problems. It's still a stupid thing to do even if you're 18.
I think we're missing the bigger point. :P It's not if someone can do it but rather should they do it? Between my addiction to chemicals, my addiction to gaming, and my lazy ass lifestyle I'm the last person who should be giving anyone advice on this sort of thing, but I can assure you after just two days I'd probably be thinking, "Hey, maybe I should stop for a bit." XD
MorningStar33: I'm actually impressed by that Internet Cafe. Not only is it obviously opened 24/7, but they just let their customers sleep when they get too tired.
It's like some bar in small village, where local drunks practically live.
tinyE: I don't know about Internet Cafes, but here in the bars, even if they are open 24/7, eventually they will throw your ass out. Probably has something to do with the fact that if a bartender stands there and serves you till you die, then your family can take legal action against him and the bar.
Well i guess he paid per hour. so as long as he is alive and able to pay, there is no reason to kick him out. also depends on laws regarding health which taiwan doesn't have i guess...