nightcraw1er.488: Yep, sorry, gog are totally blameless in everything. Boo boo, don't hurt the Gog. They are fully culpable and aware of everything they do, and completely ignore their drm free in a bid to be the next steam.
toxicTom: I'm unhappy about quite a few things here, but you simply talk rubbish.
Sorry, let me go over:
Regional pricing
Pre order dlc
Drip feed games
Online only games
Online almost all required games
Games with steam install
Delayed patches
Non existant updates
Abandoned games
Lack of communication
Forum broken
Pressurise galaxy at every moment
Lack of privacy
Still no fix classic downloads
Galaxy only multiplayer
Crap sales over and over again giving 0.01% discount on a game which is already vastly overpriced
Higher prices against competitors
Missing Linux versions
Lack of dev interest in platform
Terrible communication
Insistence on social integration
Failed movies
Copying all industry drivel like many different versions of a product
Selling manuals separately
Endless broken posts
Giveaways only on social media
Shovelware, by the truckload. New slogan should be, you shovel it, we will sell it.
I could go on, but frankly I have very little interest, just popped in quickly to check out this weeks spiral into hopeful oblivion.