nightcraw1er.488: Not THE game! Have you tried fixing ™ it?
Brittany_Morris: I just edited my post---left the title of the game out, my bad. I did try running it as an administrator, disabling full screen optimization, deleting and reinstalling the Blade Runner game, changing compatibility settings, nothing has stuck.
No probs, just we get a lot of these untitled game questions. Do you install outside windows folders, e.g use something like c:/mygames. That will help avoid the administrators thing also. Do you use galaxy? If so, maybe download the installers from the website, install from there without galaxy running and try the game from shortcut. Also maybe check (probably not relevant though) that direct play is enabled.
You can also get official help by sending a post to support using the support button on top of website (note they have holidays and may take a day or two to get back).
Also, you might get more help on a game specific forum like: Am off to bed, good luck.