FoxbodyMustang: I think it would have to be stealth for me but it's still one of my favorite roles. I end up being spotted by one target and things go from quiet to total carnage and bullets flying everywhere. It's like.... Screw it, kill em all!!!! But with that in mind, I don't usually play any game where stealth is the norm anymore. Only games where it's needed occasionally, and I usually end up replaying that section several times.
Fighting games are a pain for me to the point I just don't bother with them anymore. Games like Mortal Kombat. But I do still play Rumble Roses from time to time. The controls are simple and it's not quite a button basher like the MK games are.
In all honesty though, I don't think I'm as good at any genre as I used to be. I think the only one I am still as good at is RPGs, I guess because they're usually slower. Oh man I'm slow!!!
You enjoy Rumble Roses? I never thought I would encounter someone who also likes the game! All I need now is to find someone who enjoys Senran Kagura as well.