onarliog: I hate no "restart" button in shorter games that are supposed to be played quickly. Have to go through 5 menus to start again is super annoying. More like a UI design issue though.
If a game is going to have minigames, especially mandatory ones where you actually have to do well, the minigame should have a restart button.
Then again, I actually consider the use of minigames that do not fit the genre to be a cardinal sin, particularly when an otherwise turn-based game requires an action sequence to continue with the next part of the game. This can cause problems for gamers who can't handle action gameplay (perhaps due to a disability), but enjoy turn-based games.
One highly praised game that I find myself dreading to replay because of this sort of mandatory mini-game is Chrono Trigger; there is one part of the game where you have to button mash to continue (and can't even exit out to save if you keep failing). Who thought *that* would be a good idea in a game that is supposed to be an RPG?
(It's worth noting that even Ultima 1 had a mandatory action minigame.)