Posted April 08, 2018

Also F710 has made the R2 and L2 triggers analogue for those who like driving and flight sims
but some some indie developers don't have enough skill (ie Vostok, Blacksea Odyssey) to make exception and only know how to apply the default template for Xbox gamepads which don't host the analogue feature
This usually results in neither trigger working and the right analogue stick's X and Y axis swapped
I am unsure what you mean by XBox (XBox360?) controllers not hosting analog R2 and L2 triggers. They do have them.
The Logitech F310 (and I presume F710) have them too. If you set your F310 to XInput mode, those two triggers work as analog triggers like in the Xbox360 gamepad, good for e.g. racing games as the gas pedal and the brake. If you set your F310 in the legacy DirectInput mode, then those triggers are not considered as analog triggers anymore, but digital (on/off), like on the Sony PS2 gamepad. There are some other differences between the XInput and DirectInput modes as well, IIRC.
I am unsure what are the problems you've seen with "Vostok" and "Blacksea Odyssey", I don't think I have either game. But with all other PC games that have supported the XBox360 gamepad, my F310 seems to have worked flawlessly with them in the XInput mode, recognized as a XBox360 gamepad by the game. This includes both AAA games and indie games.
I recall some claiming that e.g. Darksiders 1-2 or Dark Souls have some compatibility problems with F310, but I have tested them and didn't see any issues whatsoever. Turned out one such person who claimed that about the Darksiders games was only repeating some hearsay, not having tested it himself.
Post edited April 08, 2018 by timppu