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low rated
Were the people who made Galaxy 2.0 the same idjits who made the new Steam client? Or were the people at GOG like "Hey look Steam is crap now, and why do they get to keep all their crap to themselves? We want to be crap too!"

These new UI's are ugly, disgusting to look at, harder to navigate, and a complete waste of time and resources.

The people that like them must be reptilians. Humans wouldn't want this. The existing UI is elegant, simple to use, easy to navigate, and nice to look at. The only thing I can think of is that Reptilians don't like it, and their evil slit-eyes are only happy when gazing upon all that is horrible and ruined.

Are you all reptilians? Am I the next to get eaten and replaced?

Just stop development of the new client. Please.
I tried the beta and thought it was kind of ugly and slow as well. It's similar to the Steam redesign though, so I guess it's what people want.
low rated
galaxy 2 just feels counter uuh... intuitive, then

back in teh day, i downgraded
From testing the original galaxy and then trying this new one, I feel the old one had that GOG feel to it but this new one is being something it's not. and it's very cumbersome. wish they had options to disable things to make it less noisy.
iofhua: ...
Just don't use it then you doof.
Unfortunately I'm one of the newer folks who never got to see the original Galaxy, so I have no idea what it was like compared to the current one. That said, I can't really complain. I guess that makes me a reptilian. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So long as the galaxy client remains as an "Optional Client" I am happy.
No big difference to Galaxy 1.0 then :-P
iofhua: Are you all reptilians? Am I the next to get eaten and replaced?
Mark zuckerberg helped with the design of galaxy 2 now that he isn't human, Before when he was human hhe liked the original one!
Talin_Warhaft: Unfortunately I'm one of the newer folks who never got to see the original Galaxy, so I have no idea what it was like compared to the current one. That said, I can't really complain. I guess that makes me a reptilian. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Original galaxy link
Post edited April 17, 2020 by fr33kSh0w2012
fr33kSh0w2012: Original galaxy link
My good sir, you are both a scholar, and a gentleman. Thank you.
Sorry I don't use Galaxy at the moment, but does it really matter whether it is ugly or pretty? As long as it works and you can launch your games through it, who cares how it looks?

It is a tool, not a decoration that you put on a pedestal on the yard in front of your house, and then all your neighbors gather in there to laugh at your ugly decoration and you have to go get a shotgun from inside to fend them off. A firefight ensues, multiple deaths and lots of wounded, plus your house is now on fire!

Wow that escalated quickly.
Post edited April 17, 2020 by timppu
Okay, so I can understand complaints about bugs or certain features lacking but other than that? Not in the least. The UI is functional, easy to use and looks pretty good. The functionality makes it extremely easy to keep all of your games all together without having to worry about launching a billion platforms just to find your games. It's just a fantastic, optional client that has literally replaced everything else for me. I'm not sure why y'all are complaining because aside from bugs and some lacking features (both of which can be easily improved upon), it's fantastic.
JakobFel: Okay, so I can understand complaints about bugs or certain features lacking but other than that? Not in the least. The UI is functional, easy to use and looks pretty good. The functionality makes it extremely easy to keep all of your games all together without having to worry about launching a billion platforms just to find your games. It's just a fantastic, optional client that has literally replaced everything else for me. I'm not sure why y'all are complaining because aside from bugs and some lacking features (both of which can be easily improved upon), it's fantastic.
Barely functional!

Categories DAMN IT not just everything splattered everywhere!
I agree it's ugly but it doesn't really matter. If it works, that is all that counts and it certainly works.

[Modded by Bookwyrm627: Please refrain from political commentary.]
Post edited April 17, 2020 by Bookwyrm627
Who cares.. just don't use it.
Steam is not optional (at least for download steam games, you can lauch same steam games without the client), but Galaxy is optional.
You can use the website, you can download games from the website, you can lauch the game without galaxy on your PC.

Who cares if galaxy is good or bad, the website is better anyway (and you can use Adalia Fundamentals and Barefoot Essentials to make it even better).