At last! Entries! Glorious entries!
Abovet: Here's my entry. The drawing is fully (not really) colored with color pencils. The inspiration for this drawing comes from Star Wars.
Ooooh! It's an Abovetrooper! It's so very colorful! Lovely entry!
Klumpen0815: I can't let this happen without submitting something myself, so I've just recorded a tune I wrote 1 or 2 weeks ago.
It's a scottishe (form of dance) in the rather unusual mode/key of d-locrian, that's why I definitely need to practice playing it more often since it has a weird fingering, played as always on my trusty wheel-fiddle:
listen here.
Perhaps it's just an issue with my computer/browser, but the link doesn't work for me. I get the following message:
"There doesn't seem to be anything here.
You're trying to view a link that does not exist."
Unless, of course, you did a cover of 4'33", in which case I have to say you did it in the most meta way possible.