catpower1980: acquired via fraudulent means...
Just curious, do you mean that most codes on G2A are actually acquired via real fraudlent means (stolen credit cards, hacked accounts... etc)? I thought most of the keys sold there are bulk bought during sales or unwanted codes from bundles. Or do you consider the latter to be "fraudulent" too?
I'm asking because the site (and other similar ones) has been around for quite some time, so I don't see how they could keep all those customers if the majority of the codes they sold were fake. It doesn't seem to be a scam site like those "earn $$$ while working from home" or Nigerian prince emails.
Also, most DRM-free proponents seem to be strongly against EULA terms restricting sales of used physical video games, or other forms of controlling the second hand game marked. So how is that different that restricting the resale of unused, legally obtained digital codes?
I'm not defending G2A here, just honestly curious about what users think about this here.
I haven't done any research about this, and the only little knowledge I have of G2A is from the "my G2A code is not working" threads that pop up from time to time here. So sorry, if I'm missing something obvious.