BreOl72: OP is
specifically asking for the possibility to kill children. He also refers to games in his youth "
where you could kill children" if that was something to be proud of, but doesn't mention that even in his youth, this particular "
feature" was
highly unusual and very rare.
BrianSim: [people] find it in general absurd to play RPGs, when your bullet-proof, stab-proof, explosion-proof, fire-proof, frost-proof, fall-damage-proof, radiation-proof, magic-proof 17.5 year old completely invincible next door neighbour is 10 billion times more suitable for saving the world
Are you asking for rationality in
fantasy games?
Well, then: here's the rational explanation for your question:
Because if the
(according to you) "bullet-proof, stab-proof, explosion-proof, fire-proof, frost-proof, fall-damage-proof, radiation-proof, magic-proof 17.5 year old completely invincible next door neighbour" would save the world -
there would be no game for you to play. Btw: why this strange fixation on a 17.5 year olds?
I'm pretty sure the OP wants to kill everyone - regardless of their age.
Pregnant women, babies, toddlers, kindergarden children, teens...I mean, why make distinctions, if all you wanna do is kill, right?
I find that worrying.
Especially considering the rise in school shootings, where "18 year old, mentally fragile, self declared "Chosen Ones""
(to re-use some of your fixated terms), choose schools with young children in particular, because they make such easy and soft targets.