LiefLayer: in those country people actually can elect an other president and/or parliament (in USA Obama for example, that now have to fight against the parliament).
Lol, no. in US people "elect" 500 people, which would vote for president. There are cases, where president was appointed by this committee after failing major vote.
LiefLayer: Germany as the rest of Europe is also undergoing some changes, I do not be surprised if the upcoming election Merkel loses the election.
Merkel wasn't elected at all. She gets place as leader of the party, and rules for 16 years already.
LiefLayer: that cannot occur in Russia where Putin (or one of his puppet) will always be in charge (as long as he has the power).
"Putin's pets" can lose elections, for example, won in 2013 elections over representative of "Putin's party". You can see on this page how much of black PR were used against him.
LiefLayer: your country is a dictatorship country, because:
1. After communism dictactorship there was a military coup where Putin got the power
Um, what? Failed coup happened in 1993 against Yeltsin, which showed himself as utter incompetent retard, he fucked up country to default and starvation. When he was on the brink of being killed by angry mob, he resigned and gave place to Putin. Putin did solve huge problems, like bleeding wound in Chechnya and regained government control over stolen by Yeltsin's friends actives. This gave him huge credit of trust, which he didn’t use for golfing, like Obama, we got Superjet flying, great infrastructure in Sochi, new launch pad…
LiefLayer: Now he control media,
Again, I'm reading YOU right now. You can link ANY news me right now. Is this how you control media? By giving free internet access? Get some realism pill, China has it’s Great Firewall (which has a lot of holes in it, you can google it! People do get access to inner China network, Chinese people read the same internet like you and me right now, etc), there is nothing like that firewall in Russia.
Should I post screenshot with New York times or BBC opened? These are definitely uncensored, US says so. Even US agencies confirm that they are free.
LiefLayer: politics, education
So, um, yes, government does regulate these things, there are laws which tell how you do education (like amount of hours, weight of textbooks), or referendums, government pays wages to deputies, parliamentarians and teachers, repairs schools… It’s absolutely normal workflow.
LiefLayer: Newspapers are censored, the invasion ukraine has been transformed by propaganda (while the rest of the world knows what happened)
I live in Simferopol, maybe I know better? Ukraine can go fuck itself, which it does. Thanks to the help from democratic US, they consistently score #1 as worst economy in the world. Because they take credits from US to buy garbage from US. Then pay to US % for these credits. But, yeah, Russia invaded, sure. Go fuck yourself with the rest of the world.
LiefLayer: 2. The police may intervene in case one is not in political agreement with those who are at the head of the government. This is a violation of freedom of speech.
That’s sounds so retarded, honestly. “Help, evil Putin doesn’t let me post anything in the Internet on US hostings”. Surprise – it’s legal and isn’t regulated by Russian laws, because, well, hosting aren’t in Russia. We have newspaper, which lost 26 cases about falsifications in the jury, last I checked. They continue to “work”. Journalism as it’s finest. This newspaper is being used for hot news in EU as “Russian newspaper posted sensational materials about invasion on Ukraine, maybe Russians will get our truth, maybe they will revolt… Nope, They are insane, insane, insane, buy US weapon to defend against evil insane Putin!!!”
LiefLayer: There are many cases of missing persons in your own country for this reason (politic reason). Here we often hear news of this kind for Russia.
Give me some examples of missing journalists, please? Other than my cousin, which was killed in Donbass by Savchenko, though.
LiefLayer: 3. There is no political party that competes with Putin. In every single not-dictatorship country there is at least 1 or 2 political parties who have at least 40% of the votes. Because we are human and we all have different ideas, so there are different people to rappresent that ideas.
You are missing some context. Russia is so big, that there are not enough people to cover all territory, there are a lot of things needed to be done without any relations to politic life, like organizing trash removal, water supply, cleaning of waste water, organizing environmental monitoring in places it never was done, etc… Parties in Europe compete over use of excessive money. “We should spend more on education, no we should build shelters for homeless, no we should build more jobs, so homeless can get jobs and get money for normal flats, etc”. In Russia, there is not enough money to have people compete. We are in the situation where we have Putin’s party, which gets shit done and the rest, which says “if I was president, I would’ve done better”. This “rest” doesn’t participate in municipal work, applying for minister post or second in charge to minister isn’t hard, but they don’t do it. These people only bitch in the internet about “how bad evil Putin”.
Plus, countries in Europe have big differences inside them. Western and Eastern germans, for example. Catalonians in Spain differ from the rest of it. Irish and British, Scots…
Russia, despite having exorbitant amount of nationalities, pretty homogenous, thanks to good education programs in USSR, based on equality.
LiefLayer: In Russia there is no real alternative to Putin.
Putin isn’t the key figure. He is the person, which signs papers. There is clearly seen group, which takes decisions collectively.
LiefLayer: Tell me honestly, have you ever thought about going to vote for someone other than Putin (and his political party)?
I actually never voted for his party or Putin. But right now I would’ve done it. I’m ok with the results of his presidency.
LiefLayer: Have you ever thought of founding a new political party?
I did. About something like Internet-party. But thing is, if I want to get shit done, it’s better to join Putin’s party, which already has resources and reputation and get shit done.
LiefLayer: Have you ever thought about changing a law?
I participated in writing one (related to reforms in water resource management, accommodating Best Available Technology basis), currently rewrite 3 more and there is a chance that I would work on fourth.
LiefLayer: Have you ever thought of protesting in the streets against a law that feel wrong?
That’s dumb. If a law is wrong, you can write into court.
LiefLayer: Have you ever thought about doing a referendum to abolish a law that feel wrong?
Russian problem in laws isn’t related to dumb or strict rules (like in US, where precedent system is used), our problem are vague texts, which need clarification.
LiefLayer: There is a debate between Putin and his political opponents?
Can you name political decisions, done by Putin, which are worth debating? Big, single-handed decision?
LiefLayer: His political opponents are there?
Russian political scene since 1990: People which wanted to do good for Russia, worked, People, which wanted to pillage Russia through shady schemes joined Yeltsin’s team. When Yeltsin’s rule ended with a disaster, Putin and his team got shit done. Some things could’ve been done better for my taste, but c’est la vie.
He didn’t get majority of parliament in a blink of an eye, you know. Many small parties consolidated over time, joining to the winner.
LiefLayer: Even in Russia there is a constitution, that's why Putin had to elect a puppet for a while... But unfortunately, in Russia you still have several problems of lack of democracy.
Can you think for a moment about conception that Putin does what majority wants, which is absolutely normal for democracy?
LiefLayer: I can only tell you, that anyone outside Russia, sees Russia as a dictatorship...
I know, I know. How can you even think about visiting Sochi ski resort in evil gaykilling dictatorship Russia, let’s buy oil from gayfriendly Saudi Arabia. Or how can you not buy US weapon against evil dictatorship Russia, you need this weapon for protection. Russians dream about dying during capture of more territory, so other Russians would gain possibility to build Lithuanians new Nuclear point plant instead of the one built during USSR and sold during independence, for possibility to build Estonians new trade fleet instead of built during USSR and sold during independence, etc…