Posted March 30, 2016
"Three people dressed as Pussy Riot -- one woman and two men -- staged a protest in support of the jailed Russian punk band during a service at Germany's Cologne Cathedral."
It was not Pussy Riot, but Femen. I don't differentiate in types of crap though.
No wonder even Germans didn't knew it happen, thanks to biased and censored german mass media.
Vainamoinen: There was violence involved from the police and the catholic priests (!), no doubt; but none of the protesters were hurt; Sorry?
"At the time of the protest, however, one worshipper was less than impressed and slapped Witt after she had be pulled down from the altar by cathedral staff." (link below). Also this. Here they drag her using purple ray hoverdiscs, clearly.
Vainamoinen: and certainly none of them was put into 8 months of pre-trial confinement before being put on a propaganda trial that ended with putting them into labor camps for what they've done. Topless Femen activist goes on trial in Cologne
Achievement unlocked! But police did write down their whole info.
"Ich hab zwar mit der katholischen Kirche nichts am Hut, wer aber eine Kirche entweiht und damit alle Christen angreift gehört in den Knast.
Gegen diese dekadenten Punker und andere linke Zecken muss mal hart durchgegriffen werden." () Amazing thread btw. Also the [url=]reaction of this woman, which then immediately instructed to act politically correct.
Ich lach mich kaputt.
Vainamoinen: The girls were nominated for the coveted Martin Luther Award in 2012 ... but, of course, they failed to award it to them, which would have been a clearer statement from German church authorities. Of course, of course. Its all magic and fees. How dare I see a political agenda? No, so, totally clear.
On behalf of Erdogan or Putin, I assure you.
"Three people dressed as Pussy Riot -- one woman and two men -- staged a protest in support of the jailed Russian punk band during a service at Germany's Cologne Cathedral."
It was not Pussy Riot, but Femen. I don't differentiate in types of crap though.
No wonder even Germans didn't knew it happen, thanks to biased and censored german mass media.

"At the time of the protest, however, one worshipper was less than impressed and slapped Witt after she had be pulled down from the altar by cathedral staff." (link below). Also this. Here they drag her using purple ray hoverdiscs, clearly.

Achievement unlocked! But police did write down their whole info.
"Ich hab zwar mit der katholischen Kirche nichts am Hut, wer aber eine Kirche entweiht und damit alle Christen angreift gehört in den Knast.
Gegen diese dekadenten Punker und andere linke Zecken muss mal hart durchgegriffen werden." () Amazing thread btw. Also the [url=]reaction of this woman, which then immediately instructed to act politically correct.
Ich lach mich kaputt.

On behalf of Erdogan or Putin, I assure you.