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well, unless they patch that shit out when the game stops selling and they want to scrabble for the last sales I might not be looking at this thing at all then.

maybe there was reasons, maybe it was just the usual crap, but with Star Citizen being what it is, it means that one less reason to play this game is bit more meaningful.
Problem with online for singleplayer well look at diablo 3 and sim city as prime examples of why they dont work. If the internet is down or their servers are down your boned.

I have decided to go get a refund. I was so looking forward to the game but the fact that one of the key factors for me supporting it are gone well i can no longer spport it.
high rated
Frontier may also have violated the Kickstarter terms if they refuse to charge back what they have received from those who want their money back, because of this.


"Is a creator legally obligated to fulfill the promises of their project?

Yes. Kickstarter's Terms of Use require creators to fulfill all rewards of their project or refund any backer
whose reward they do not or cannot fulfill. (This is what creators see before they launch.) We crafted these
terms to create a legal requirement for creators to follow through on their projects, and to give backers a recourse
if they don't. We hope that backers will consider using this provision only in cases where they feel that a creator has
not made a good faith effort to complete the project and fulfill. "

Frontier could get in trouble.
It always seemed like the game was designed around multiplayer, so online-only makes sense, and that why I never even considered backing it, because I am not interested in multiplayer anymore. Offiline, single player sounds like it would be like making a different game so it's not surprising it's online-only. However, they did promise a offline, single player, mode so it seems shady so I don't like that.
With E:D, and some other Ks games, it was pretty evident from the start that the real meat of the game would be at least partial online mode. Granted, Frontier should not have made promises about offline mode, but from the description of the game it was pretty evident that the online component would play a major part in the game and with a game with such a huge scope it just makes sense.

Personally I don't mind being on-line. What I do want however is the one promised feature which was the possibility to block out all the players I don't want to see in the game and build the possible friend list or just be connected to the economy side of the game.

I'm not a backer in this, of course, and I will most likely buy E:D at some point. But I do know the backers pain when the game doesn't include something that was promised. Like in the case of Tesla Effect there was a promise of golf sim, but that wasn't implemented, as the golf sim tech they had ready didn't work with Unity and making it work would have taken too much resources out from already small budget.

Granted omitting a golf sim isn't the same size matter as omitting full off-line mode, but as I said, with a game with a scope of Elite it makes sense.
false advertising?

They advertised it as DRM free then went back on it, you might be able to argue your case that they mislead all of the backers.
Huff: I was hoping to to relive the memory of playing Elite. Not any more.

Maybe I should consider Star Control 1+2 on GOG instead.
You can get the original Elite for free from Frontier's store. This game really is DRM-free (at least when I downloaded it).
Arkose: You can get the original Elite for free from Frontier's store. This game really is DRM-free (at least when I downloaded it).
Yet another account...
... No thanks.
mqstout: Right way? PA *still* doesn't have a DRM-free download. It's "DRM at installation", even if they supposedly added offline play, you can't GET to it.
Solei: That's right, but i believe that when the game already is on your hard-drive it is fully self contained and portable so you can archive and store it for later use. I think I'll investigate by copying it over to another machine thats totally off-line.

The Linux version is a fully self contained tarball with all the needed files in it - and does not need Internet access for single player or lan. (have tested that one)
You can do it and it works out. And yes, you cannot download the game without beeing LogIn´ed, but you can´t do this on GOG either! The problem isn´t the game in that part, the problem is that the GOG-Version is still not ready!
(should have been short after release, but it seems like Uber is waiting for galaxy to land here!)
reaver894: false advertising?

They advertised it as DRM free then went back on it, you might be able to argue your case that they mislead all of the backers.
They should be shitstormed like there is no morning---they even did worse than Harebraid Shemes, who didn´t had the right to promise a DRM-free version at the time of their campaign. But Harebraid Shemes delivered later on (after the shitstorm that might even got to Microsofts ears) ---but I don´t believe Braben will do a turnaround! As in Brabens Case it´s completly up to his own studio! They decided to betrayal their backers...
...and it´s a hard one! :( :( :(
Post edited November 15, 2014 by RadonGOG
Solei: That's right, but i believe that when the game already is on your hard-drive it is fully self contained and portable so you can archive and store it for later use. I think I'll investigate by copying it over to another machine thats totally off-line.

The Linux version is a fully self contained tarball with all the needed files in it - and does not need Internet access for single player or lan. (have tested that one)
RadonGOG: You can do it and it works out. And yes, you cannot download the game without beeing LogIn´ed, but you can´t do this on GOG either! The problem isn´t the game in that part, the problem is that the GOG-Version is still not ready!
(should have been short after release, but it seems like Uber is waiting for galaxy to land here!)
I thought GOG said no to PA, after a poll?
RadonGOG: You can do it and it works out. And yes, you cannot download the game without beeing LogIn´ed, but you can´t do this on GOG either! The problem isn´t the game in that part, the problem is that the GOG-Version is still not ready!
(should have been short after release, but it seems like Uber is waiting for galaxy to land here!)
mqstout: I thought GOG said no to PA, after a poll?
It was over 66% FOR PA, not against it!
(in exact numbers, it was 77.96%)
Post edited November 15, 2014 by RadonGOG
I keep reading "Elite: Dangerous" as "Rick Dangerous" :) I'm surprised how quickly I'm ignoring the "Elite"! A very bad move indeed from the developers, and I do hope that all the gamers who requested a refund get their money back.
I just realized the game is coming out in a month. And now they decide to announce the lack of offline mode, which proably something decided a long time ago. That is very dishonest, wow.
The reactions of the fanboys in the official forum are frightening...
Mmm I somehow expected it to turn out this way. Hence why I was sceptical during the Kickstarter and stayed away from the game later on. They never made it clear enough that the game will be able to work offline or even be DRM free. The private server story they talked about, sounded like too much hassle to begin with ... well, I have to stay with Starpoint Gemini 2 it seems. By far not reaching Elite, but it is totally working offline and is DRM-free, so what else could you want. Time to bring X Rebirth to GOG I would say.

If you read through the thread at Frontier Development it seems strange why some people wonder that other people would rather not like to share the same galaxy in Elite. The ignorance in understanding is embarrassing. In my humble opinion, people suck and more often than not ruin a game for myself which is why I stick to single player offline games. And hey, I want to cheat the shit out of my galaxy if I feel that way and that is definitely something that cannot be done when you share the galaxy with others. Elite Frontier was one of those games that I cheated the most in, ever since I play games. Money for nothing and ... good times, forsaken times!