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LesterKnight99: i'm interested in this game, but should i buy it? i don't want to hand money to people who have lied to their investors.
Wait, it'll be free2play in half a year or so.
coldtony: The company report that was posted was interesting. I had some money in my S&S ISA so I took a punt. If they get a bump after the game officially releases maybe I'll make the money back.
Even more interesting is the massive overvaluation of the stock in relation to that report. Sorry to say, but you are the classic sucker. First you let yourself get ripped off by accepting their partial refund, and then you buy their overvalued stock which will tank on the inevitable always-on release day desaster.
Post edited December 09, 2014 by jamotide
LesterKnight99: i'm interested in this game, but should i buy it? i don't want to hand money to people who have lied to their investors.
jamotide: Wait, it'll be free2play in half a year or so.
Don't forget the inevitable DLC's and microtransactions.
LesterKnight99: i'm interested in this game, but should i buy it? i don't want to hand money to people who have lied to their investors.
BillyMaysFan59: I wouldn't buy it. Aside from betrayal of customers, there's a pretty good reason why people wanted an offline version of the game. If a game is online only, notable problems include not being able to play due to poor Internet connections, or a server being down, etc. (while with an offline mode, you obviously have the entire game and will be able to play it with or without internet)
There's never any good reason to support liars. Liars should be punished by the community with boycotts,public shame/disgrace, and/or even excommunication as a public example and a deterrent against future scammers.

The free market is a form of democracy. When you buy a product, you aren't just getting the product, you are supporting the product, its manufacture/developer, along with all of their development, marketing, and sometimes political practices. If the vast majority of consumers are willing to support a company that lies to its customers and investors, it sends the entire industry the message that they can lie all they like and no one's going to punish them.

Knowing that: would you want to economically "vote" for a known liar? Probably not.
DivisionByZero.620: snip
You do raise a good point there. At any rate, I'm certainly not giving Frontier any of my money, and I'm glad I didn't back their project.
BillyMaysFan59: I wouldn't buy it. Aside from betrayal of customers, there's a pretty good reason why people wanted an offline version of the game. If a game is online only, notable problems include not being able to play due to poor Internet connections, or a server being down, etc. (while with an offline mode, you obviously have the entire game and will be able to play it with or without internet)
DivisionByZero.620: There's never any good reason to support liars. Liars should be punished by the community with boycotts,public shame/disgrace, and/or even excommunication as a public example and a deterrent against future scammers.

The free market is a form of democracy. When you buy a product, you aren't just getting the product, you are supporting the product, its manufacture/developer, along with all of their development, marketing, and sometimes political practices. If the vast majority of consumers are willing to support a company that lies to its customers and investors, it sends the entire industry the message that they can lie all they like and no one's going to punish them.

Knowing that: would you want to economically "vote" for a known liar? Probably not.
Understood. will not buy until more honesty comes into the picture.
DivisionByZero.620: Knowing that: would you want to economically "vote" for a known liar? Probably not.
Plenty of people do! Got another thread first deleted by one mod, then moved from deletion to offtopic by another mod, then locked by the third mod, and everyone was arguing for Frontier:

"Kickstarter fraud"
Post edited December 09, 2014 by jamotide
DivisionByZero.620: Knowing that: would you want to economically "vote" for a known liar? Probably not.
jamotide: Plenty of people do! Got another thread first deleted by one mod, then moved from deletion to offtopic by another mod, then locked by the third mod, and everyone was arguing for Frontier:

"Kickstarter fraud"
Man... Braben sure has a lot of supporters on that forum. By reading the posts in the thread you linked it seemed that most of the "Brabenites" were loons who didn't understand a thing of what you meant (or were even interested in understanding).

David Braben could sell his supporters to IS. He'd make a fortune.
karnak1: Man... Braben sure has a lot of supporters on that forum. By reading the posts in the thread you linked it seemed that most of the "Brabenites" were loons who didn't understand a thing of what you meant (or were even interested in understanding).
Well, a lot of people came to believe that always online DRM in SP games is acceptable. Ubisoft and Blizzard have paved the way for people thinking it's nothing but a minor inconvenience.
Post edited December 09, 2014 by Fenixp
jamotide: Plenty of people do! Got another thread first deleted by one mod, then moved from deletion to offtopic by another mod, then locked by the third mod, and everyone was arguing for Frontier:

"Kickstarter fraud"
karnak1: Man... Braben sure has a lot of supporters on that forum. By reading the posts in the thread you linked it seemed that most of the "Brabenites" were loons who didn't understand a thing of what you meant (or were even interested in understanding).

David Braben could sell his supporters to IS. He'd make a fortune.
It's easy to sum up what the brabenites are about. "I have no problem therefore it doesn't exist."
high rated
I almost bought into this game as an old Elite+ fanboy but after I noticed in the EULA that the developer plans to add advertisements all over the gameplay in the future and sell your personal data for advertising purposes and target you with targetted advertising based on data mining I was instantly enraged to the point of Elite Dangerous' Mortal Enemy For Life.

What utter ****ing rubbish.
Post edited December 09, 2014 by bigsilverhotdog
Tarm: It's easy to sum up what the brabenites are about. "I have no problem therefore it doesn't exist."
As a DRM-free apologist for many years now I have stopped counting how many time I have heard that phrase...
coldtony: The company report that was posted was interesting. I had some money in my S&S ISA so I took a punt. If they get a bump after the game officially releases maybe I'll make the money back.
jamotide: Even more interesting is the massive overvaluation of the stock in relation to that report. Sorry to say, but you are the classic sucker. First you let yourself get ripped off by accepting their partial refund, and then you buy their overvalued stock which will tank on the inevitable always-on release day desaster.
Well predictably my refund got approved within 12 hours of me saying I didn't want it. As for the share price, I've already acknowledged that it could go either way. Pure punt. Stop loss and sell order in place. :P

I've done okay off the banks this past six months so I can swallow it if it goes bad.

I suppose that's a topic for another thread - trading game players who're into real investing.
And just been informed by Paypal that I've gotten my refund for the full amount, so not the partial refund some people were reporting. Maybe they wised up about that.
Braben sure likes to show off.
Phc7006: As we say here "A force de prendre les gens pour des pigeons, il ne faut s'étonner de se ramasser de la merde sur la figure "
Oooh! I didn't know this one. I'll be sure to remember it, it should (unfortunately) be quite useful in years to come.
Thanks :)