It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

DarrkPhoenix: My understanding is that in the UK crowdfunding donations are handled under the Sale of Goods Act (basically treated like pre-orders), so hopefully you shouldn't have too much trouble getting whatever organization responsible for enforcing that act to get involved. Best of luck sticking it to them.

Actually, agreeing to a refund to settle the dispute, then not actually providing the refund puts them in a much worse position if someone decides to sue them, as you have a very clear breach of contract there. Plus the judge would have clear evidence of them already acting in bad faith, so would be less likely to give them the benefit of the doubt or much leeway.
I was (thankfully) too late to pledge in the Kickstarter. I pre-ordered from their website, and the reason I got the beta was that it was included in the package I took. As such, I wasn't too fussed about the beta, and I didn't play it.
So, £50 for the initial package plus another £35 for expansions. They're offering me £45, which means they want me to pay £40 for sod all. If they think that, they're even more delusional than that CyberMatrix KS guy.
Getcomposted: So, £50 for the initial package plus another £35 for expansions. They're offering me £45, which means they want me to pay £40 for sod all. If they think that, they're even more delusional than that CyberMatrix KS guy.
Man, thanks to you I just learned about that CyberMatrix shit. Wonderful tech.

I bet that Schaun Bishop guy must be working for Frontier Developments right now. He sure must have taught Braben a thing or two.
Gnostic: I see that they sunk to a new low

"Support Team
Tue 2nd Dec 2014 16:17
Dear *****

Our records show that you backed the game before we committed to an offline mode and we're afraid Kickstarter pledges are an investment into a project, with the understanding that elements of the initial pitch may change or be removed as development progresses. As such, we are unable to offer you a refund on this pledge unfortunately.

We're sorry that we cannot assist you further in this instance.

The Support Team"
mangamuscle: The truth is that since you do not live in the UK (or even europe) they deem your chances of suing them to be low, therefore they think they can get away with your money.

Since I have yet to hear that someone has received even partial refunds, my bet they are trying to deter people from suing them, even if you do not receive the money you have already accepted to settle out of court.
Actually there are some people who recieve refunds and some who forced a refund through back charge (14 total)

Technically all Elite Issue refunds are partial refunds as they force transection fees on the customers

I heard it is standard operating procedure for the retailer/merchant to absorb the transaction fees. It is exactly this way to discourage predatory actions by the retailer/merchant, but then again, I think it is their strategy to wore the customers out so they are too tired to be bothered for the transection fees to dispute again.

I don't understand their mentality, how the little money gained through these transection is more worthy then the goodwill of their customers
Post edited December 08, 2014 by Gnostic
Good god these people just keep going lower and lower.
Well i got hit by the paypal transaction fee over £2 in total. That is the last straw with FD i will never buy from them or give them any money again.
ShadowWulfe: Good god these people just keep going lower and lower.
David Braben have always been a asshole according to Ian Bell and others. Now I'm taking a perverse interest in seeing just how low DW and FD can go.
And they've added another note to my ticket.

"Due to the high volume of tickets we are receiving at this time, it is taking longer than usual to get back to you. Don't worry, we will get to your ticket in due course.
In the meantime we ask that you bear with us while we get to your ticket. Please do not create any additional tickets for the same issue as this will increase the amount of time it will take us to get to you.

Kind Regards,

So, to paraphrase - "Stop bugging us about your refund, and don't argue. We're swamped with the number of demands for refunds because we underestimated how much our asshattery would piss people off. We're compounding this by NOT giving refunds, and we want all of you to quiet down so that we can get down to the dirty business of screwing our collective customer base over. SHHHH!
(And, yes, it is ALL your fault. Why? Because I said so.)"

Not a very nice reply, imo. General tone: stop bugging us as it creates more work for us?! Lovely customer support there!
Tarm: David Braben have always been a asshole according to Ian Bell and others. Now I'm taking a perverse interest in seeing just how low DW and FD can go.
I can't wait to see the launch. I'm hoping it will be a glorious trainwreck.
I always enjoy a good shitshow, but I feel bad for all the people caught up in it. This is some shady business.
ShadowWulfe: I always enjoy a good shitshow, but I feel bad for all the people caught up in it. This is some shady business.
Yeah. That's why I said perverse. Thankfully I didn't back or purchase it.
Tarm: David Braben have always been a asshole according to Ian Bell and others. Now I'm taking a perverse interest in seeing just how low DW and FD can go.
Grargar: I can't wait to see the launch. I'm hoping it will be a glorious trainwreck.
Isn't this their first "MMO" launch? Even experienced MMO companies fail hard with launches so that's a safe bet.
Post edited December 08, 2014 by Tarm
Tarm: Isn't this their first "MMO" launch? Even experienced MMO companies fail hard with launches so that's a safe bet.
We'll see.
Gnostic: I don't understand their mentality, how the little money gained through these transection is more worthy then the goodwill of their customers
Well, fact is we don't know how solvent they are. Preserving customer goodwill and market presence is all very well, but won't weight much if they fear/expect to get out of business before they have the occasion to develop any other game...
Phc7006: Well, fact is we don't know how solvent they are. Preserving customer goodwill and market presence is all very well, but won't weight much if they fear/expect to get out of business before they have the occasion to develop any other game...
To be fair, when you fail in the course of development and are honest about it, people are going to be far more understanding than when you try to bullshit them.

I'm fairly sure that the responce would be far less hostile if Frontier just said "We have put all the money into development of the game and all we can give you now is half of your pledge. Hold on and we might be able to give you the rest after the game's release"
Post edited December 08, 2014 by Fenixp
Gnostic: I don't understand their mentality, how the little money gained through these transection is more worthy then the goodwill of their customers
Phc7006: Well, fact is we don't know how solvent they are. Preserving customer goodwill and market presence is all very well, but won't weight much if they fear/expect to get out of business before they have the occasion to develop any other game...
Customer goodwill has already gone down the shitter, might as well pocket the money.
Gnostic: Actually there are some people who recieve refunds and some who forced a refund through back charge (14 total)
I'd highly suggest anyone still capable of doing this doing so. The longer they delay with resolving your refund the more likely it is you won't be able to chargeback your money anymore due to time passed.
Post edited December 08, 2014 by Pheace