Fenixp: Whether or not you were part of the beta just doesn't matter. Yeah, you do get to play a bit of the game, but DRM-free is quite important for some people, and even I, a very tolerant person when it comes to DRM, won't purchase a game using always-on DRM method. That's an absolute deal-breaker, and because you helped the dev test the beta doesn't mean they get to keep your money - really, the issue with people playing beta is something Frontier should have thought about
before making the promise of DRM-free.
Well, as I said if you played the beta you aren't IMO entitled to full refund, as the beta itself was never promised to be DRM free nor offline. The refund should be only for the final game and the other included rewards. But if you did not play it, then you should be entitled to full refund, as you haven't redeemed any of your rewards (as far I know).
This to me is very simple matter and that's that. If you didn't play the beta, it should be enough to show that you either don't want to to play always online games, aren't able to do so or you have some other doubts (i.e. DRM etc.) which can influence into your enjoyment of the game.
It does suck that Frontier is being a dick about it.