JakobFel: The way people responded to the situation just proves my point about modern gamers being fickle, whiny crybabies who are literally
LOOKING for reasons to complain.
GamezRanker: Or maybe some have a legitimate complaint, but you are so enamored by GOG that you refuse to see it & call people whiners to maintain your cognitive dissonance?
It's not a legitimate complaint, though. People act as if GOG "catered" to China or removed the game to spite certain groups of people which simply isn't true. Anyone who knows even a little bit about business knows that you don't risk an entire market to satisfy a handful of customers. That's just not how it works. Yeah, sure, it sucks that they had to remove it but if ANYONE is to blame for this, it's the ridiculous CCP which absolutely needs to fall.
Also, it's not the fanboys downvoting, it's bots and that's an issue GOG definitely needs to fix.
JakobFel: It had jack crap to do with "catering" to China. It had everything to do with being a business and doing what they have to do.
Ancient-Red-Dragon: The second sentence in that quotation contradicts, undermines, and disproves the first.
And the rest of that post is basically saying that one should abandon all of his/her ethics & morals for financial reasons.
Of course, in reality, no they should not.
Contrary to what the rest of the post which I quoted from says, the only problem with the GOG customers' response to the Devotion debacle was that they, for the most part, let GOG get away with letting it blow over, which is exactly what GOG hoped would happen.
And that sets the very dire precedent for all future debacles, which GOG is likewise also probably going to ignore, since the Devotion incident taught them that most customers will let them get away with letting it blow over, and hence they have no reason to be transparent about what is really going on.
Finally, that post is conflating two separate issues into one, even though they cannot & should not be conflated:
Issue 1: GOG banning Devotion.
Issue 2: GOG lying about the reason for why they banned Devotion, and refusing to be transparent and upfront and honest about the real reason why they did so.
It has nothing to do with morals. GOG removed the game to preserve a market of theirs. The morals only come into play when you consider the sheer tyranny of the CCP. As I said, blame the CCP, not GOG because it's not GOG's fault that the CCP are a bunch of tyrannical, oppressive fools.