Posted June 24, 2019
low rated

2. Freedom, in general, is absolute so you can't say you are for certain forms of freedom but not the other. There is such a thing as a consequence which is made up the law in general so there are no needs for further rules that tighten freedoms any more than they already are. People mostly use NPC terms/phrases cause they don't know any better and try to bluff their way through a conversation hoping the other side is more ignorant towards the subject. SJW are barely in a position of being right cause they use feelings over facts.
3. Majority of Germans during WW2 were poverty stricken there was barely any rich opportunist, Centrist are mostly middle class hence why they barely bother to pick a side cause they to have nothing to lose or gain and are contempt with the position they are now. Poor are mostly left wing and rich mostly right wing. Centrist some times veer to the right or left but only in small differences of opinions and moral standards. Even in an election you still need the majority vote and seeing as the turn-outs become lower each time you'd say people started caring less about what is going to happen regardless of it taking them under. And this is the same in debate and if you want to change in gaming, Many voices make a change while the silent ones can just take it up the backside sorta speak.
4. Yes, Ubisoft is trying to get rid of Politics in their gaming, I think they are starting to notice that people are tired of Gender/identity politics in their gaming cause it gives a lot of bad press amongst the actual gamers, while the casuals may praise them they are still the minority players in the end. The Minority SJW or extreme leftist, for the most part, have been able to get away with Fake outrage to a point that company's bend over backward to please them but they must be aware by now they will never be satisfied, And the gaming press is an utter joke, playing high and might with their articles bashing company's if they don't kiss their assess. ON some sense Ubisoft is already kinda late cause they did get a lot of flak for their alternative History with Assassin's Creed Odyssey, I'm a big History fan so I found it utterly insulting they could have just shown the raw history of the Spartans but that wouldn't suit the mentally weak these days that get triggered with actual history.
If I were a company I'd just let them boycott it. The total in America is just around 5 percent so nothing much will be lost there and I doubt most of them are actual gamers. The Gaming industry is stagnant as hell cause there is a lack of expressive freedom, Everything is subject to scrutiny by the SJW hate mob, And now even company's full of those retards dictating their dogma on the rest.
As an example of how retarded the left has become you just need to follow the youtuber TimPool while he shows the constant retardation of the left and their fake outrage from Feminism to other retarded groups.

2. I agree with some of this.
3. I meant american rich opportunists and other country's similar peoples....not germans perse.
Btw just a head's up...elections/politics talk is a good way to get a ban/warning(not from me)......just trying to say if you wanna talk that talk we can do so via PM/discord/etc.
4.a. I remember one company wanted to make a war game based on a historical period when it was mainly white men fighting and people got upset that it didn't have any minorities/women/ a game that was trying to be HISTORICALLY ACCURATE. I guess such extremist activists want history books rewritten to be more inclusive as well? :\
4.b. Calling anyone(even bad people) retards is not a good way to prove your point, but you;'re right...they shouldn't bend the knee to outrage mobs.
4.c. I actually subscribe to him.
3. I was more referring towards the people in general cause even if you have Rich opportunist you still can't make or win a war. Let's leave it at agree to disagree with this topic then.
4. Might you be meaning warhorse studio? They did refuse to push for diversity in their game and it was a big hit for staying Historically accurate. There was even a writer lately that said he didn't wanna write stories with a political agenda I mind and got blasted simply for not wanting to write one-sided propaganda, The leftist hate mob attacked him for it.
4.b. People need to Grow up and get a thicker skin that's the whole reason the pandering is happening in gaming so they can get happy feelings while making garbage. Words are more dangerous when written than spoken, to be honest cause when you speak to somebody face to face it's easier to tell if a person is truthful or a liar and you can more easliy see a person character.