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low rated
Godwin's law! XD
Post edited June 23, 2019 by tinyE
low rated
Ixxmantisxxl: I mean.. Here's the thing. It's a Gaming Forum. Not a mass down at the city council. So why are you exhuming the facts of real life in a modularisation place of virtual happiness? It's supposed to be a place to chat about the games you love not a place to become a toxic community over spilled milk.
1. Saying any site is a place of virtual happiness(unless they are giving away free money or the secrets of the universe) is a bit hyperbolic is it not?

I get where you're coming from, though.

2. It's not toxic and people are free to avoid topic they dislike as people in the past could avoid radio stations and tv channels they disliked....same principle.

Godwin's law! XD
But no one referenced them yet...or did I miss it?
Post edited June 23, 2019 by GameRager
low rated
Zeddge: Why would you discuss about your ancestors in a gaming forum?

Godwin's law! XD
GameRager: But no one referenced them yet...or did I miss it?
Yes, you missed it.
Post edited June 23, 2019 by LootHunter
low rated
I gotta get to work and I don't want to get involved in this anyway, but I wanted to drop this off as I think it will help this, and other threads of it's nature, as well as clear up forum conduct in general.

GOG Support just sent me this. It's their NEW COC, slightly edited from the original.

I suggest you all read it carefully because, according to the member of the GOG staff who sent it to me, violation of it will not be tolerated at any time or under any circumstances!
low rated
GameRager: But no one referenced them yet...or did I miss it?
LootHunter: Yes, you missed it.
Damn, I must be getting old.....

I gotta get to work and I don't want to get involved in this anyway, but I wanted to drop this off as I think it will help this, and other threads of it's nature, as well as clear up forum conduct in general.

GOG Support just sent me this. It's their NEW COC, slightly edited from the original.

I suggest you all read it carefully because, according to the member of the GOG staff who sent it to me, violation of it will not be tolerated at any time or under any circumstances!
It's funny that around 33%+ of that stuff you are likely doing already or have done at some point....
Post edited June 23, 2019 by GameRager
low rated
dgnfly: Centrist is just another form of a group and them ones that pick sides don't stay centrist cause they get pulled in the tide of which side suits them most. I could be considered a centrist but I still pick a side and participate I'm just very selective of what I join so I pick the ones that make the most sense and don't restrict what you can and can't enjoy.

NPC is just a person regardless of a group that can just keep saying the most used catchphrase and myths simply cause they don't know any better, It's just used as a group form more because SJW always go after people in Mob style and they just keep phrasing the same made up label bullshit constantly. A centrist just wants to ignore both and thinks if he does or calls it out it'll suddenly disappear while nothing actually changes, It's kinda like deluding yourself that you are and know better than both groups yet you'll contribute nothing. Simply screaming both sides are the same doesn't make your argument valid or well reasoned when you take into account one is for freedom and the other is for taking it away.

If you want the best example of what a Centrist is you just need to look at WW2, the mass did nothing while a minority right-wing fanatics massacre millions of jews. Centrist do nothing cause all they cared about was fi they were required to do nothing for the wealth it brought.

Sadly the gaming world has become more one-sided so it's slowly descending into an Orwellian nightmare, Even calling game garbage because it tries to push a certain agenda you get censored. keeping quiet is what most people want but it's not the solution If we, for instance, keep quiet you might as well conceded to the SJW style agenda and go into the white people did everything guilt trip and accept all those retarded myths they keep creating. To shout it out is to resist retardation.
GameRager: 1. Centrists try to remain fair and open to all sides, though, and usually they stick closer to the center on things.

I also pick and choose what actions of people to support/not and which are good/bad. I often side with people some dislike if they say/do something good and don't side with those others like if they do something bad/that I find disagreeable. Some will throw such people under the bus, sadly, for doing so though.

2. Not all who spout such are NPCs, though.....some are using such terms/phrases to get their way or cause outrage for clicks, sadly.

Also people on both sides can be for freedom or for taking it least that;s been my experience.

3. Many of them were not centrists but rich opportunists, imo.

4. Did you see how some companies refused to add politics to their games and got called out/shamed for it?

Or how people keep demanding x group/race/gender in their games or they'll boycott? Whatever happened to "You don't like x then make your own"?

1. The problem is they are staying in the center hence why todaýs gaming and general media is run by the extreme left which simply are the SJW and they don't seem to worry about what fascistic nature they impose on others, Every main social media platform right now is ultra Bias and I only see one side calling them out while centrist seems to be ok with all the censorship to a point that they'll just make excuses for it. Censorship in gaming is only allowed because the majority seems to be ok with it even if it doesn't have a valid reason to be censored other then the usual hysteria. All those retarded ''What If'' moments we might as well ban any form of entertainment while we at it.

2. Freedom, in general, is absolute so you can't say you are for certain forms of freedom but not the other. There is such a thing as a consequence which is made up the law in general so there are no needs for further rules that tighten freedoms any more than they already are. People mostly use NPC terms/phrases cause they don't know any better and try to bluff their way through a conversation hoping the other side is more ignorant towards the subject. SJW are barely in a position of being right cause they use feelings over facts.

3. Majority of Germans during WW2 were poverty stricken there was barely any rich opportunist, Centrist are mostly middle class hence why they barely bother to pick a side cause they to have nothing to lose or gain and are contempt with the position they are now. Poor are mostly left wing and rich mostly right wing. Centrist some times veer to the right or left but only in small differences of opinions and moral standards. Even in an election you still need the majority vote and seeing as the turn-outs become lower each time you'd say people started caring less about what is going to happen regardless of it taking them under. And this is the same in debate and if you want to change in gaming, Many voices make a change while the silent ones can just take it up the backside sorta speak.

4. Yes, Ubisoft is trying to get rid of Politics in their gaming, I think they are starting to notice that people are tired of Gender/identity politics in their gaming cause it gives a lot of bad press amongst the actual gamers, while the casuals may praise them they are still the minority players in the end. The Minority SJW or extreme leftist, for the most part, have been able to get away with Fake outrage to a point that company's bend over backward to please them but they must be aware by now they will never be satisfied, And the gaming press is an utter joke, playing high and might with their articles bashing company's if they don't kiss their assess. ON some sense Ubisoft is already kinda late cause they did get a lot of flak for their alternative History with Assassin's Creed Odyssey, I'm a big History fan so I found it utterly insulting they could have just shown the raw history of the Spartans but that wouldn't suit the mentally weak these days that get triggered with actual history.

If I were a company I'd just let them boycott it. The total in America is just around 5 percent so nothing much will be lost there and I doubt most of them are actual gamers. The Gaming industry is stagnant as hell cause there is a lack of expressive freedom, Everything is subject to scrutiny by the SJW hate mob, And now even company's full of those retards dictating their dogma on the rest.

As an example of how retarded the left has become you just need to follow the youtuber TimPool while he shows the constant retardation of the left and their fake outrage from Feminism to other retarded groups.
Post edited June 23, 2019 by dgnfly
low rated
CordisDia: Few weeks ago,i was suspended on steam general forum because i said that one of my ancestors participated in battle of Vienna against Otoman empire ...
Unfortunetly for me, in someone's imaginary point of view - my words were ''disrespectful'' , no matter i said historical fact ...
I have also been banned when i said Julian Assange,Edward Snowden and Donald Trump are heroes of modern era ...There were a lot of other examples like these, i can wrote whole bible here ...

I'm pretty new to GOG, i will buy Cyberpunk here, so im curious - can i expect same level of censorship and crimes against freedom of speech as i witnessed on steam forums ?? Forums there are full of whiny liberalistic snowflakes ,and you can be marked as nationalist,racist,xenophob,nazi,fascist for anything and everything you said ...
Is it the same situation here ?
If you dare to criticize Judaism in a negative context, or write word "snowflake" when addressing someone, or write a joke about some pagans on fire you will get banned. It happened to me. So, a guy wrote a joke involving a priest and pedophilia, the comment still remains. My counter-joke about pagans burning got me banned.

Have a read here:

I myself am unhappy with the judeo-marxist forum policy on Steam, and decided to switch to Gog, but Gog isn't much better either. It is getting increasingly judeo-marxist.
dgnfly: The reason it happens so much is that GOG is rejecting games without a valid basis they just give the same generic tagline which gives the impression they seem to be picking more on personal taste instead of judging it on actual classifications.

Voting has been shown to be pointless or else some of the rejected games would have been released here already. And if GOG thinks short term profits will be worth it, in the long run, they pretty much wrong cause there would be little reason for Niche gamers to buy their games here since they get rejected simply for being a certain genre.
I'm confused as to why you think gog owes you (or the game authors) an explanation as to why they rejected a game, and why you think it isn't a "valid reason". It is simply a reason you don't personally know. As for the game in question, two dozen very valid reasons were suggested by other users, any one of which could have been applied as the reason to reject that game.

Also pretty funny that you think all those great video games aren't intentionally inherently political. You think existing in a fantasy land means games aren't political? You think that not being realistic means games aren't political? Games have been political since the beginning, you're just noticing now, because you don't like their trend to openness.

Missile Command (first game that came to mind) came out almost 40 years ago, but has had lots of ports and copies (I think it was even packaged with one of the windows). It's a very simple game where you have to fire at and destroy missiles trying to hit your cities. But the gameplay, progression, and implicit plot tells a highly political story of the inevitable destruction of a nuclear armed world through nuclear holocaust.
What a filthy SJW the developer was!

Deus Ex, which you mentioned, deals with very real political themes including government distrust (conspiracy theories) and globalism.
Filthy SJW!

Monkey Island developer Ron Gilbert specifically stated he wanted to move away from boring tired tropes involving the dude rescuing the lady in video games, resulting in Elaine, who doesn't need anyone to rescue her (and would've gotten free herself if the hero of the game didn't interfere).

Mass Effect: Andromeda is not political according to your definition, because it is a "what if" scenario too. Can a game only be political if they try to "replicate the real world to its fullest"? I don't get it.

I'm not sure you've clearly laid out in your head what games are political, what games are political but that's ok, and what games are eeeeevil! Right now it simply seems to be "These games make me uncomfortable, thus they're baaaad!"
low rated
dgnfly: The reason it happens so much is that GOG is rejecting games without a valid basis they just give the same generic tagline which gives the impression they seem to be picking more on personal taste instead of judging it on actual classifications.

Voting has been shown to be pointless or else some of the rejected games would have been released here already. And if GOG thinks short term profits will be worth it, in the long run, they pretty much wrong cause there would be little reason for Niche gamers to buy their games here since they get rejected simply for being a certain genre.
babark: Also pretty funny that you think all those great video games aren't intentionally inherently political.
It's also pretty funny that dgnfly never said that those games aren't intentionally inherently political. But apparenty you can read people's thoughts and say those thoughts for them. XD
low rated
dgnfly said he wants his games without politics. I pointed out that almost no game is without politics, and how very often the great games are great BECAUSE of them having politics. He was given several examples before my post, and tried putting forward the case that those games don't count, because...I'm not sure- they're fantasy, or they only take part of the real world, or they aren't fanfiction. I'm not sure what his reasoning was.
Post edited June 23, 2019 by babark
low rated
babark: I'm not sure what his reasoning was.
His reasoning was that while those games indeed have political message, they don't try to impose on the player "ideologically correct" view on history, like Battlefield V or Company of Heroes 2 do.
low rated
babark: I'm not sure what his reasoning was.
LootHunter: His reasoning was that while those games indeed have political message, they don't try to impose on the player "ideologically correct" view on history, like Battlefield V or Company of Heroes 2 do.
Indeed. Mass Effect Andromeda is horrible with how it tries to impose an ideologially correct view on history on the player!
low rated
dgnfly: The reason it happens so much is that GOG is rejecting games without a valid basis they just give the same generic tagline which gives the impression they seem to be picking more on personal taste instead of judging it on actual classifications.

Voting has been shown to be pointless or else some of the rejected games would have been released here already. And if GOG thinks short term profits will be worth it, in the long run, they pretty much wrong cause there would be little reason for Niche gamers to buy their games here since they get rejected simply for being a certain genre.
babark: I'm confused as to why you think gog owes you (or the game authors) an explanation as to why they rejected a game, and why you think it isn't a "valid reason". It is simply a reason you don't personally know. As for the game in question, two dozen very valid reasons were suggested by other users, any one of which could have been applied as the reason to reject that game.

Also pretty funny that you think all those great video games aren't intentionally inherently political. You think existing in a fantasy land means games aren't political? You think that not being realistic means games aren't political? Games have been political since the beginning, you're just noticing now, because you don't like their trend to openness.

Missile Command (first game that came to mind) came out almost 40 years ago, but has had lots of ports and copies (I think it was even packaged with one of the windows). It's a very simple game where you have to fire at and destroy missiles trying to hit your cities. But the gameplay, progression, and implicit plot tells a highly political story of the inevitable destruction of a nuclear armed world through nuclear holocaust.
What a filthy SJW the developer was!

Deus Ex, which you mentioned, deals with very real political themes including government distrust (conspiracy theories) and globalism.
Filthy SJW!

Monkey Island developer Ron Gilbert specifically stated he wanted to move away from boring tired tropes involving the dude rescuing the lady in video games, resulting in Elaine, who doesn't need anyone to rescue her (and would've gotten free herself if the hero of the game didn't interfere).

Mass Effect: Andromeda is not political according to your definition, because it is a "what if" scenario too. Can a game only be political if they try to "replicate the real world to its fullest"? I don't get it.

I'm not sure you've clearly laid out in your head what games are political, what games are political but that's ok, and what games are eeeeevil! Right now it simply seems to be "These games make me uncomfortable, thus they're baaaad!"
GOG doesn't owe us anything but that doesn't mean I'm gonna act like a dog like most users here do and obey simply cause they are fine to listen to simple explanations, The ''Too Niche '' Argument isn't an explanation at all not even regarding its consumers or the devs that themselves are wondering what I all means. The other so-called explanation was nothing but excuses, One was nothing but depending on review scores after the game get's released which isn't even a valid reason cause the game has to be released for to make an argument for that and GOG has been shown to reject games before release. The other was nothing more than a User bitching about Cleve personality which he seemed to take more offense too than an actual argument only posting something he said in 2017 as a rebuttal.

Most games with a sort of political system take tropes from real-world ones they don't push social-political ones like the Gender/Race I don't recall those games only focusing on this new era styled political correctness it shows more an 80's version of what the world really is like. In the end, games aren't political cause they don't mimic today's social-political problems but more over the older ones that aren't valid even most that use real-world references create alternative History but barely try to preachy moral rights they just focus on the problem and solution.

Towards all your retarded attempts to sound smart.
A lot of strawmen arguments with barely any coherency,

You seem pretty clueless towards what we have been discussing please get an education and come back afterward.
Missle Command started as a simple arcade game with the idea of Nuclear winter brought on by the cold war but later on changed it's home release to mimic different planets battling it out.

Dues Ex just uses real-world references and then tells a complete alternate Futuristic history not forcing Social political pandering like most games do today where games are more focused on Race and gender needing to tone down games cause some people can't cope with the reality of the world. Even the notion that metal gear uses real-world politics is ridiculous when you factor in it just uses Historical events that have no basis in today's world when you look at the social-political aspect, Not to mention the over the top anime style characters the games has.

If Ron Gilbert creates a Mary sue it sure to be an SJW game cause it simply is a mimic towards the star wars movie where the main character has all the skill without the effort. There is such a thing as character building which seems to be lacking in today's movie media or gaming. But then again when your next up writer is noting but feminists fan-fiction writers there will surely be more SJW styled garbage whining about race and gender.

You seem to be pretty slow in the head, The ''What If'' scenario isn't about games progression it's about censorship. it was meant as the reason games are now censored is cause they may be a bad influence and the ''What If'' is the scenario most people make up

Mass effect Andromeda was political behind the scenes. From it's racist Developer to it hiring people more on race and Gender than on Skills which should be the criteria for developing a game. Socially it tried to subtly insert Political pandering like changing Asari Lore with gender pronounce while it was already established that Asari are Monogender and veer towards female traits.
EA wouldn't even fire the racist working on the game even after a petition was started. But not surprised when you factor in the game launched without a white color pallet.
Not to mention the double standard with the character models which had the male models look the same as their real counterpart but the female models were ugly as hell not even resembling the actual models. Kinda the same double standard Mortal kombat is now known for. The SJW pandering behind the scene made that game become a downfall.

You seem to have no clue what this is all about. But then again what else to expect from a person who lives in a country that has zero multiculturism and anything SJW would be greeted with the death penalty.
low rated
babark: I'm confused as to why you think gog owes you (or the game authors) an explanation as to why they rejected a game, and why you think it isn't a "valid reason". It is simply a reason you don't personally know. As for the game in question, two dozen very valid reasons were suggested by other users, any one of which could have been applied as the reason to reject that game.

Also pretty funny that you think all those great video games aren't intentionally inherently political. You think existing in a fantasy land means games aren't political? You think that not being realistic means games aren't political? Games have been political since the beginning, you're just noticing now, because you don't like their trend to openness.

Missile Command (first game that came to mind) came out almost 40 years ago, but has had lots of ports and copies (I think it was even packaged with one of the windows). It's a very simple game where you have to fire at and destroy missiles trying to hit your cities. But the gameplay, progression, and implicit plot tells a highly political story of the inevitable destruction of a nuclear armed world through nuclear holocaust.
What a filthy SJW the developer was!

Deus Ex, which you mentioned, deals with very real political themes including government distrust (conspiracy theories) and globalism.
Filthy SJW!

Monkey Island developer Ron Gilbert specifically stated he wanted to move away from boring tired tropes involving the dude rescuing the lady in video games, resulting in Elaine, who doesn't need anyone to rescue her (and would've gotten free herself if the hero of the game didn't interfere).

Mass Effect: Andromeda is not political according to your definition, because it is a "what if" scenario too. Can a game only be political if they try to "replicate the real world to its fullest"? I don't get it.

I'm not sure you've clearly laid out in your head what games are political, what games are political but that's ok, and what games are eeeeevil! Right now it simply seems to be "These games make me uncomfortable, thus they're baaaad!"
dgnfly: GOG doesn't owe us anything but that doesn't mean I'm gonna act like a dog like most users here do and obey simply cause they are fine to listen to simple explanations, The ''Too Niche '' Argument isn't an explanation at all not even regarding its consumers or the devs that themselves are wondering what I all means. The other so-called explanation was nothing but excuses, One was nothing but depending on review scores after the game get's released which isn't even a valid reason cause the game has to be released for to make an argument for that and GOG has been shown to reject games before release. The other was nothing more than a User bitching about Cleve personality which he seemed to take more offense too than an actual argument only posting something he said in 2017 as a rebuttal.

Most games with a sort of political system take tropes from real-world ones they don't push social-political ones like the Gender/Race I don't recall those games only focusing on this new era styled political correctness it shows more an 80's version of what the world really is like. In the end, games aren't political cause they don't mimic today's social-political problems but more over the older ones that aren't valid even most that use real-world references create alternative History but barely try to preachy moral rights they just focus on the problem and solution.

Towards all your retarded attempts to sound smart.
A lot of strawmen arguments with barely any coherency,

You seem pretty clueless towards what we have been discussing please get an education and come back afterward.
Missle Command started as a simple arcade game with the idea of Nuclear winter brought on by the cold war but later on changed it's home release to mimic different planets battling it out.

Dues Ex just uses real-world references and then tells a complete alternate Futuristic history not forcing Social political pandering like most games do today where games are more focused on Race and gender needing to tone down games cause some people can't cope with the reality of the world. Even the notion that metal gear uses real-world politics is ridiculous when you factor in it just uses Historical events that have no basis in today's world when you look at the social-political aspect, Not to mention the over the top anime style characters the games has.

If Ron Gilbert creates a Mary sue it sure to be an SJW game cause it simply is a mimic towards the star wars movie where the main character has all the skill without the effort. There is such a thing as character building which seems to be lacking in today's movie media or gaming. But then again when your next up writer is noting but feminists fan-fiction writers there will surely be more SJW styled garbage whining about race and gender.

You seem to be pretty slow in the head, The ''What If'' scenario isn't about games progression it's about censorship. it was meant as the reason games are now censored is cause they may be a bad influence and the ''What If'' is the scenario most people make up

Mass effect Andromeda was political behind the scenes. From it's racist Developer to it hiring people more on race and Gender than on Skills which should be the criteria for developing a game. Socially it tried to subtly insert Political pandering like changing Asari Lore with gender pronounce while it was already established that Asari are Monogender and veer towards female traits.
EA wouldn't even fire the racist working on the game even after a petition was started. But not surprised when you factor in the game launched without a white color pallet.
Not to mention the double standard with the character models which had the male models look the same as their real counterpart but the female models were ugly as hell not even resembling the actual models. Kinda the same double standard Mortal kombat is now known for. The SJW pandering behind the scene made that game become a downfall.

You seem to have no clue what this is all about. But then again what else to expect from a person who lives in a country that has zero multiculturism and anything SJW would be greeted with the death penalty.
dang someones triggered :D
dgnfly: The SJW pandering behind the scene made that game become a downfall.
I don't think that engine implementation problems, poor facial animation, weak writing, mostly uninteresting story direction and pacing issues in ME Andromeda have anything to do with "SJW pandering"...