Mafwek: "War does not determine who is right. Only who is left." -allegedly Bertrand Russell
BlueMooner: I've heard "war never changes". Forget who said it...
GameRager: It would help but some would likely go offtopic by accident/by human nature a few times is a good idea, though.
BlueMooner: ALL threads go off-topic, that's inevitable. However when there is no regular outlet for discussions of certain issues, then those concerns/interests will be
interjected into conversations, as opposed to occasionally veering off into them. IOW, there will be a lot more of them.
1. It was Ron Perlman as the announcer in the first fallout games.
2. Maybe, maybe not. People might still do so with subforums for offtopic, and some might be confused and post in the wrong place anyways. It might be good to have a containment board for topics that are controversial(but not rule breaking), though, to keep them out of the hair of those on the board who seem to live for finding things to get upset about.
Fairfox: off-topic means off-gaming-topic.with allowances to some misc topics. anyone who thinks any other is a derp
Should we make new sites for every grouping of offtopics then? I mean some like the people they chat with on a site and don't want to juggle a dozen or so sites for different topics if they can get many of them/talk about many of them in one single site.....convenience is king for some, after all. :)
LootHunter: To be fair, today people across all political spectrum call SJWs out on their bigotry and hypocricy. "Anti-SJW" term is usually reserved for witch hunters, who see any uncomfortable idea in a game as a sign of devs supporting "social justice".
There are good antis imo(I might be one of them) who just dislike the more extreme activists who do so to generate outrage and get their way for their own good feelings/to virtue signal to others, or to impose their ways and beliefs on everyone else. Also such people tend to also only focus on ACTUAL times people try to inject such in media and not every time(though SOME do generate outrage on our/their side of the aisle as well for the same reasons....we're not all perfect).
Darvond: So what many people seem to forget is that places like GOG or Neogaf aren't forums like the Roman Forum; a gathering of the populace, they're privately owned and operated, which means what they say, goes.
Every privately owned forum has rules, unspoken rules, and house rules.
If the laws being pushed pass then bigger sites(The big 3-4) will need to either let everyone post what they will within the law or the site loses it's protections against what users post to their sites.
dgnfly: He's a centrist so he's an NPC, he the kind that will bitch about things but won't pick a side in the fight so he'll just complain about it but that's all he'll do. IF we keep quite you might as well concede to the SJW way and let them just push their agenda in gaming cause they sure as hell won't be stopping the push for indoctrination.
I'm sick of the constant agenda pushing and censorship in gaming but saying nothing or calling things out won't change anything at all, So I'd rather call it out and be called annoying instead of letting it run its course. At least there has been some good news with Certain people going broke. Being a centrist doesn't make one an NPC can be on any side of any issue and is often one who follows the groupthink without question. SV doesn't seem that way to me.
As for keeping quiet...there are times/places for such and it's not here on GOG every 5 minutes of every day. There are better places/times for that stuff.
(Also yeah I saw Anita went L for lulz she broke)