GameRager: 1. That seems fair, but if you stay on one tack/stay always on the offensive(the sports term not taking offense offensive) it's not going to convince many to come around to your side and will turn many off.
2. I get your frustration but you know the old catch more flies with honey than with vinegar....well the same applies here. If you want people to listen you need to be more civil and not diss anyone too much just because they take a stance against what you are holding. You also need to participate in the forums beyond just complaints about problems here.
Again I offer this all as advice to help not to sound overly mean. :)
dgnfly: 1. I'm not starting a religion or a cult so I need nobody really on my side, like so many things people will take sides on their personal bias regarding certain topics. hence why I wouldn't ever hang around people that are offended 24/7 cause that would take the fun out of life and I personally would not trust them. Most of the time the nicer the person the more skeletons in the closet they have.
2. I think you're more of an optimist while I'm more skeptic towards people and their idea of understanding common sense. Even the idea of questioning GOG curation seems to upset people while it's a simple question in general, It's curation tries to dictate what people can enjoy on the platform so there could be personal bias involved, But simply questioning this makes people go mental over here it seems. Releasing, for instance, their rejected games don't affect those users in any way yet they can't even cope with you wanting them or questioning or make fun of GOG's lame Curation.
the whole idea of talking about a game for the fun of it I think is a stupid concept cause I'd rather just play it and experience it. When it comes to conversations I'd rather have them about more serious matters.
I'm pro Free speech so in my opinion you're allowed to say anything mean or offensive.
1. Yes, but if you want to get along with people it's best to try to get along with people. Also you're seemingly not just saying what you say to talk to yourself so you must be trying to convinve others, and to do that you need to be less "hostile" and more civil in tone/nature.
Also imo not every nice person has tons of skeletons in the closet.
2. I am an optimist and I think it's not everyone against your ideas but maybe afew, and some others likely dislike hearing about it so much more than being against it perse.
3. You may find it stupid but I and others actually find it fun to discuss games we like...that's kinda the main role of this site's forums, imo,. :)
4. You can say it but be aware that others have the right to get offended by it if it's truly offensive and if that happens you know who you have to blame for that.
dgnfly: But simply questioning this makes people go mental over here it seems. Releasing, for instance, their rejected games don't affect those users in any way yet they can't even cope with you wanting them or questioning or make fun of GOG's lame Curation.
ncameron: The most likely reason that people here 'go mental' in threads about games rejected by GOG is that those threads seem to occur for every bloody one of them. Thread after thread asking "OMG!! Why isn't <insert-fave-game> here on GOG! I'd buy it in a heartbeat if they sold it here, so there is literally no reason for them not selling it here except that they personally hate me!"
You can perhaps understand everyone else (for whom such a game is not, actually, the second coming of Christ) becoming a little tired of that?
If you want a game here, vote for it on the wishlist and wait. If GOG sees an economic case for the game being here, I am more than confident that they will attempt to acquire it. But be prepared to accept that there may be more reasons than become public that a game doesn't appear here, and it's not a conspiracy against anyone if it doesn't.
Many good points, but you DO know the wishlist is essentially the bottom level importance when they pick games for the site, right?
There are games higher in the list that they have the IP holders on board for not being added to gog while items lower in the list are added more often.