CordisDia: Few weeks ago,i was suspended on steam general forum because i said that one of my ancestors participated in battle of Vienna against Otoman empire ...
Unfortunetly for me, in someone's imaginary point of view - my words were ''disrespectful'' , no matter i said historical fact ...
I have also been banned when i said Julian Assange,Edward Snowden and Donald Trump are heroes of modern era ...There were a lot of other examples like these, i can wrote whole bible here ...
I'm pretty new to GOG, i will buy Cyberpunk here, so im curious - can i expect same level of censorship and crimes against freedom of speech as i witnessed on steam forums ?? Forums there are full of whiny liberalistic snowflakes ,and you can be marked as nationalist,racist,xenophob,nazi,fascist for anything and everything you said ...
Is it the same situation here ?
Don't know why you've got the low ratting, but censorship is pretty nonexistent here. That being said GOG forums aren't really the best. They lack social features and not enough people use it. I think the more that changes the more likely they'll start with introducing more strict rules. As of this moment though. I'd say that they're pretty laid back. Just don't post anything illegal or phonographic and you should be fine.