KiNgBrAdLeY7: I tried it. It has the same issues and roughly the same performance, as the one found withing the retail, "THE FIRST DECADE" box. Menus don't appear, you have to alt+tab all time to navigate them, there is no more internet server for the game as EA admits (i was really itching for a yuri campaign and some online clashes), but the ORIGIN version is INFERIOR.
THE FIRST DECADE has a community patch, fan made but very polished. It fixes many things, it adds others, it is really good. I don't know if it is compatible with origin. But with this patch, Red Alert 2 and Yuri's, become DRM free. No need for physical retail copy, or client-ass. Also, it makes game drm-free without cracking it and making it akin to a pirated copy; back in the day when i was still active in multiplayer, it played normally, if it made the game pirated, 10 seconds after multiplayer battle, base would be destroyed and you automatically loose, as the antipiracy measure built in the game from devs, never happened for me with that patch, ergo it is still legit game.
Now i showed the boot to both Origin and cr@p on it. Not even free i would be convinced to throw in garbage in my system! Only DRM-FREE and client-free stuff, or NOTHING at all!
Interesting. I have had first decade for years and never played it due to the DRM. Will have a look at the patch, maybe now I can play the other games in the series (only played the first).