teceem: This weekend, I've been playing The Force Unleashed. I know it's locked at 30 fps, but I didn't really notice it at all. It plays pretty fluently to me.
Who here has a monitor that can display more than 60 fps (Hz), and what kind of games do you play? Does anyone feel that playing (for example) The Witcher 3 at 144 fps / Hz is a better experience than, let's say; 45 fps, or even 60 fps?
I like reading up about computer games, but sometimes I feel like I'm a chess player surrounded by jocks claiming to play chess. (the disconnect between single player games and online multiplayer)
Most of my displays are standard 60Hz displays, however I have a laptop with a 120Hz refresh also. The higher the frame rate is the smoother you will see motion on the screen. This is more pronounced with games that have high speed movement, either animations moving at high speeds, or the potential for rapid movement such as turning your head fast in a first person shooter.
Everyone's eyes and visual perception differs however, and some people may see flicker or other jumpiness at a given frame rate, while someone else perceives it as being perfectly smooth. There are web based test sites out there which you can use to test the differences between different refresh rates. They usually use horizontal animations at different speeds to demonstrate the results.
The type of game it is and how your attention is focused on it and attention to detail is another element where someone may notice the difference and someone else may not. I tend to be very detail oriented and notice things, while I have a friend who is more macro focused and probably wouldn't know the difference if I dropped his frame rate down from 60 to 25.
The same is true with different video resolutions as well. Some people think anything higher resolution than 1280x720 is just wasting GPU cycles as they can't tell the difference, while others like me see very clear marked improvements in visual detail and fidelity at each resolution jump to 1920x1080, 2560x1440, 3840x2160 etc.
So there are clear improvements and benefits, but whether or not and how each individual person may perceive them will depend on the individual's own eyes, how their brain processes it, their attention to details, and likely psychological factors as well.
Aside from that, higher frame rates produce lower latency which can provide definite benefits to gamers of certain types of games, in particular competitive multiplayer - even if they can't perceive the visual difference between various higher FPS rates.
Personally, I'm pretty much happy with 60FPS with anything, and can enjoy some games as low as around 25FPS if I have to, but I definitely prefer to get the rate up as close to 60FPS as possible. On my 120Hz display I definitely notice smoother visuals which gives better immersion, but it's icing on the cake rather than a massive game changing experience for me. I'm still happy with 60FPS, and for my personal taste I prefer higher resolution over greater than 60FPS when it comes to spending money, however if one can have both then that's all the better too. :)
Hope this helps.