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OldFatGuy: And here is a good opportunity to post a suggestion (...)
Actually, from what I've read, you actually need something like 7/10 rep points to post links. I couldn't test this because I've never had the chance (the downvoting started before I reached those numbers). Someone else would have to confirm this.

Sachys: (...)
SO... AGAIN - ALL THIS (including discovering a now otherwise dead system for most users) has happened to you in the last month?
Yes. In the last two weeks, to be more precise. After figuring I was being downvoted systematically, I searched the web for info about the GOG forums to help me understand what was going on. And the most useful pieces of info came exactly from posts here on the GOG forums.
foad01: These are currently all accounts of the OP I could find:

iamtiredof or Reavenling

They could give a hint to find more.
How exactly do you know they all belong to the OP?
Breja: How exactly do you know they all belong to the OP?
I have send you a message via chat.
foad01: These are currently all accounts of the OP I could find:
Breja: How exactly do you know they all belong to the OP?
He can't know it because his accusations are plainly false. I have no idea of what he is talking about.

An important aspect of this thread is that it may encourage other users who are experiencing related issues to report their cases too. Additional reports, along with the generated discussion, could attract the attention of GOG staff members and, who knows, perhaps a fix could come out as a result. This would benefit everyone.

Hopefully foad01 hasn't scared them all yet. It's less likely, though, that others will report their cases here if they think they'll be accused of having lots of alt accounts and god-knows-what-else.
Post edited September 26, 2023 by fva_
fva_: You're seeing what you want to see. There is nothing fishy here. And please don't derail this thread.
Just ignore foad01, they just like to play unofficial forum policeman, and tell people off or accuse them of something.

I'm pretty sure they have a link with the downvoting bots too ... unless of course, we just wish to believe in coincidences.

fva_: An important aspect of this thread is that it may encourage other users who are experiencing related issues to report their cases too. Additional reports, along with the generated discussion, could attract the attention of GOG staff members and, who knows, perhaps a fix could come out as a result. This would benefit everyone.
Won't do any good.

GOG kept saying they couldn't do anything .... until years later they came up with their flawed solution, probably influenced by the ignore solution and script that my good mate TheDcoder provided, not long before ... who alas is now deeply in negative rep having become a target from that moment.

All we can do now is ignore the childish downvoting, and feel sorry for those who have instigated it, so poor and pathetic is their existence.
Post edited September 26, 2023 by Timboli
OP makes a legitimate claim (one that sadly is true)
Happy mensiversary!
Wait! What? There are links with downvoting bots? This is news to me. This must be a Freudian slip. I have nothing to add here. LOL.
high rated
... Security Breach...

foad01: Wait! What? There are links with downvoting bots? This is news to me.
News to me too, as I said link, not links, you very suspicious person. :P

You've certainly had communication with them, knowingly or unknowingly, and the facts for that are right here in the forum. But hey, maybe with your mindset, you are just blind to them manipulating you.
Oh boy!
foad01: These are currently all accounts of the OP I could find:

iamtiredof or Reavenling

They could give a hint to find more.
OldFatGuy: I still am not understanding why this is relevant to the issue at hand unless you are saying the reason for the "vulnerability" has something to do with having more than one account. Is that what you're saying? That for the 99% of us that only has one account this is not an issue?
It's relevant, because it's a convenient excuse to deflect from the legitimate issue that was raise by the OP. As GOG's paid troll, foad is simply doing the job he's been tasked with doing for some time now - i.e. derailing threads to deflect from any criticism of GOG, legitimate or otherwise. And that's despite the fact that he's actually the one breaking the forum CoC, which prohibits calling people out in public.

Just take a look at the threads he's had an active hand in derailing/locking. Oh look, I can't link them because I have a negative rep ... how convenient ... <eye roll>

Breja: How exactly do you know they all belong to the OP?
Curious, isn't it? What sort of person would have inside information on GOG forum users? Hmm ...
Post edited September 27, 2023 by Time4Tea
Oh boy! The next in line... Posting something that is knowingly false is also against the CoC...

And while we are talking about bots here. I can't wait until you guys from ZP are sending the next bots to this forum. Like this one here:
foad01: Oh boy! The next in line... Posting something that is knowingly false is also against the CoC...

And while we are talking about bots here. I can't wait until you guys from ZP are sending the next bots to this forum. Like this one here:
I think you mistook current thread for that one:

You noticed the "advertisement" which is against GOG rules, so much is true. However by posting it here you are violating GOG's Code of Conduct as well:
I haven't posted advertisement. I have linked posts which were created by a bot.

It is also related to the topic because bots seem to be part of the mentioned problem. And now we have people from ZP's Discord server here who send bots to this forum...
Post edited September 27, 2023 by foad01