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OldFatGuy: I'm only asking because I too have wondered a couple of times if it's still happening?
It still happens from time to time.
Just two days ago, I saw a "low rated" comment.

However: when I returned to that same thread (about five minutes later) the "low rated" marking was gone again.

I also had some of my own comments "low rated", after the "minus" - button was removed.

So - yeah: it still happens.

In regard to the OP:
I'd like to know where all his "low rated" comments are?
I haven't seen any of them.
Matter of fact: I don't think, I've seen any commant made by the OP, other than in this thread.
Which - of course - doesn't mean much. Maybe he posts only in threads, that I don't visit...shrug
vv221: Unless GOG fixed that, you can work around this limitation by putting links in quote tags.

You can give it a try by quoting my full message, this link to the best video game of all times should still be included in your answer.
Hey, thanks for the tip. But the quote tags seem to refer to particular posts. Is there any generic quote tag that doesn't actually quote anyone?

Ancient-Red-Dragon: (...)
The root cause of the problem is GOG's decision to "solve" this problem by way of using a half-baked half-measure, via just hiding the downvote buttons and the "low rated" text, and the users' 'reputation' "scores," rather than to do what GOG should have done, and still needs to do, which is entirely to remove & 100% abolish all aspects of the much-abused "reputation" system from every place in the GOG website, including the coding itself of the website.
I agree, completely removing the reputation system would be the best approach. Considering GOG's pace, though, this might take ages, so I thought about an emergency fix to eliminate the downvoting issue quickly (as indicated in the original post). While not ideal, this would at least allow targeted users to recover their first-class-citizen status (that is, we'd be able to post links and use other functionalities, if any, that require a certain amount of reputation points).

BreOl72: (...)
Just two days ago, I saw a "low rated" comment.

However: when I returned to that same thread (about five minutes later) the "low rated" marking was gone again.
Like Ancient-Red-Dragon said a few posts ago, GOG simply masked the whole reputation system, and this includes hiding the "low rated" text (apparently for anything posted after the date that downvoting was "officially" disabled). But there seems to be a glitch that allows you to see it occasionally. I also saw it in one post the other day, and, like you said, it disappeared not too long after. I don't think that post was upvoted. Instead, the hiding scheme most likely kicked in and removed the text. I bet you'd be able to see the "low rated" text in any of my posts if GOG wasn't hiding it.
Post edited September 25, 2023 by fva_
BreOl72: Matter of fact: I don't think, I've seen any commant made by the OP, other than in this thread.
Which - of course - doesn't mean much. Maybe he posts only in threads, that I don't visit...shrug
It is probably difficult to remember these because the posts and wishlist comments are split over several accounts.
Post edited September 25, 2023 by foad01
Generic quote:

Start by having the word QUOTE between "[" and "]" then typing your text (including links), then by putting this /QUOTE between "[" and "]" at the end.

ADDED: I'll show using the above:
Generic quote:

Start by having the word QUOTE between "[" and "]" then typing your text (including links), then by putting this /QUOTE between "[" and "]" at the end.
Post edited September 25, 2023 by OldFatGuy
OldFatGuy: (...)
Alright, let's see if it works: It seems to be working fine, thanks. This trick is far from ideal, of course, but can be useful.
Post edited September 25, 2023 by fva_
It's not a security breach, it's just poor coding practices. Like removing a doorbell but keeping the wiring, so anyone with a battery can bridge the wires anyway.
I found another possible alt account:

iamtiredof which was renamed to Reavenling
Post edited September 25, 2023 by foad01
Darvond: It's not a security breach, it's just poor coding practices. Like removing a doorbell but keeping the wiring, so anyone with a battery can bridge the wires anyway.
Your analogy is good and this is indeed poor coding. But I think this issue is serious and should be treated accordingly. Since downvoting was officially disabled, casting a downvote shouldn't be possible at all. So, if the downvoting code was left there fully functional (and it was), then the system has a vulnerability. And if this vulnerability is being used to target users (and it is!), then we have a breach.
high rated
These are currently all accounts of the OP I could find:

iamtiredof or Reavenling

They could give a hint to find more.
Post edited September 25, 2023 by foad01
fva_: we have a breach.
And all this has happened to you within the last month?
foad01: These are currently all accounts of the OP I could find:

iamtiredof or Reavenling

They could give a hint to find more.
I still am not understanding why this is relevant to the issue at hand unless you are saying the reason for the "vulnerability" has something to do with having more than one account. Is that what you're saying? That for the 99% of us that only has one account this is not an issue?

I'm just trying to understand, not trying to "nit-pick" or upset you. I too thought I had seen some evidence that downvoting was still occurring. And I believe it is a valid issue to be concerned about because having negative rep does indeed have a "real-world" impact here, in that if you want to have a discussion on the forums but can't post links it is a limiting dynamic. People who were (and maybe still are) victims of this systemic abuse shouldn't have their ability to post anything (links included) limited, at least not just because of that. If they were limited for breaking forum rules (such as creating alt accounts) that would be one thing, but it is, at least in my mind, a separate and distinct issue from the one voiced in this thread, UNLESS it is indeed true that the only victims of current abuse schemes are ones with multiple accounts. So that's why I'm trying to understand what you're saying. I hope I'm not getting on your nerves, not my intention at all.
fva_: we have a breach.
Sachys: And all this has happened to you within the last month?
Not sure what you mean by "all this". And I'm being downvoted for about two weeks now.

foad01: These are currently all accounts of the OP I could find:
OldFatGuy: I still am not understanding why this is relevant to the issue at hand (...)
He seems to be a joker. Not sure if he has any bad intentions with his posts, but he might end up derailing this thread, and I wouldn't like it to happen.
Post edited September 26, 2023 by fva_
OldFatGuy: [...]
It is relevant because the first post was somehow strange. I remembered what one of the mentioned alt accounts wrote. If it is possible to find the original account then we will probably have solved one part of the problem.
Post edited September 26, 2023 by foad01
And here is a good opportunity to post a suggestion I've posted before regarding this issue.

Apparently, in order to post links, an account must have POSITIVE reputation. (Greater than 0). And apparently, this was instituted as a tool to prevent spammers from creating an account and posting links immediately. By requiring a rep of at least 1, this removed the possibility to create and post links all at once.

You could still do that effectively, and not have it negatively affect regular users with negative rep, by changing that limitation from anything less than 1 to any accounts with a rep equaling exactly 0.
Sachys: And all this has happened to you within the last month?
fva_: Not sure what you mean by "all this". And I'm being downvoted for about two weeks now.
Seems odd. New users tend not to report such things when there are no low rated posts and no visible rep.

SO... AGAIN - ALL THIS (including discovering a now otherwise dead system for most users) has happened to you in the last month?