Timboli: If as another member has said, who knows a bit about the code editing required, they have just removed the portion of code that displays the REP count value, then they should easily be able to do the same with the code that downvotes, while leaving the code that hides.
My guess is that they've done something as simple as setting a value in a stylesheet to false, b_u_rep { visible: false }
Maybe it will help present day mods involved in this newest attempt to fix this to look into GOG's past:
Lets Discuss Your Experiences With The Forum Suggestion Prevent Abusive Downvoting With No Need For Dedicated Moderators So far in all the discussions found by both search-engines as well as the on-site search revealed that through the years, either GOG staff acknowlegded the problem and forwarded it and had an internal discussion or it was ignored. One prominent example is this
The Monkeys are Listening and some days after Judas disappeared with the last known message:
I have been reading through the thread and I have to say you have come up with some interesting ideas :) Give me a moment to respond as I am currently waiting on my opponent for the community Blood Bowl match :) The reason I bring this up is that there seems to be a genuine willingness to address issues and ask for suggestions how to fix problems or change the way things are handled. I don't know why it takes years, have your community waste time to discuss things, put time into coming up with solutions and then be ignored until the same issues reach a boiling point and members start venting their frustration, and when it can no longer be ignored someone is sent to the frontlines to have the same discussion start once more with the same result: nothing will be done about, but thanks for telling us.
Back on topic about ratings as tool to influence opinion, downvoting what some groups don't like, that's the most pressing issue that seems to finally get solved. Depending how the upper echelon is thinking about how much we - their customers - willing to enter into discussion here, how far they can push us without loosing sales, seems to be a deciding factor what can and can't be done.
Pushing an agenda is okay? But discussion about and opinions in support or contra their politics to push it, and groups lying in wait to enforce how the rest of us has to think about things, that's where this becomes a problem that needs be solved more than ever. For real, this time. To close this long reply: I have a hard time accepting much of what Jordan Peterson has to say, there's still one statement he's made that's absolutely correct: You can't enforce tolerance no more than you can force people's acceptance. To add to that, promoting
free and open discussion instead of having tools to oppress or take it in a certain direction, that's something the staff should take into consideration before they make a final decision about the future of this reputation up-/downvote tool and the reputation system.