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HypersomniacLive: You mean like this?
Cripes, didn't notice that! Much ta to you and the Monkey both!

Sachys: So you've entirely forgotten about what happened in ninja thread, everything you've been told about this happening previously etc etc?!
So call me thick (again), but if it's already happening, how does my suggestion make it worse? It's like saying we can't vaccinate because it won't cure everyone.

The situation already is FUBAR. Adding accountability at least puts names on paper instead of allowing people to hide behind the mask of respectability, be they scum newbs or exalted geezers. In what tangible realm does that exacerbate the problem?

Sorry, sitting on your hands may be fun for an idle Sunday, but it's not a fix for a sinking ship.
Sachys: "1669 Discunted" - because the "o" wouldnt fit!

TBH, had we not been posting we'd be in the same boat as some others who have been hit for -300.
We should maybe make a club with cool embroidered jackets!
stg83: I was also keeping track of the situation for a while in my forum tag original number was around "350" for me when it started up again. Indeed if it weren't for me posting quite often on the forum I would have been back in the negatives long ago on my way to -100 again.

The club logo could be a phoenix embroidered on those jackets to represent the continued perseverance with our posts here. ;)
I was thinking of a picture of a tax return - something universal everybody can relate to.

Oh, wait... Amazon, Apple, Microsoft...

yeah, fuck it... lets have a picture of an old man worrying some sheep instead!
Sachys: "1669 Discunted" - because the "o" wouldnt fit!

TBH, had we not been posting we'd be in the same boat as some others who have been hit for -300.
We should maybe make a club with cool embroidered jackets!
darthspudius: And it goes on. I'm not even sure where I've been down repped.
Sachys: I think it was when you had yer heed stuck in that bin again!

...I know thats when I took yer wallet... nasty empty thing it is!
I didn't realise the pics were out. My backside still hurts from that!
People need to be responsible for their conduct. To prevent abusive trash alt downvoting, I recommend adding an option to every post where you can view a list of upvoters and downvoters. That way, the community can easily figure out which ones are lowlifes/trash alts.

This needs to implemented.

Holy Shit a blue has come out the shadows.
Post edited August 05, 2015 by gunsynd
gunsynd: People need to be responsible for their conduct. To prevent abusive trash alt downvoting, I recommend adding an option to every post where you can view a list of upvoters and downvoters. That way, the community can easily figure out which ones are lowlifes/trash alts.

This needs to implemented.
That's what I'm advocating. Seems to be controversial, at least among some of the people who've actually been targeted by massive anonymous downrepping.

No one said the world had to make sense, I suppose.
gunsynd: People need to be responsible for their conduct. To prevent abusive trash alt downvoting, I recommend adding an option to every post where you can view a list of upvoters and downvoters. That way, the community can easily figure out which ones are lowlifes/trash alts.

This needs to implemented.
IAmSinistar: That's what I'm advocating. Seems to be controversial, at least among some of the people who've actually been targeted by massive anonymous downrepping.

No one said the world had to make sense, I suppose.
It would make them think and say ''should I?'' then wait for the backlash.
No,if implemented the cowards would not have the guts to down vote.
IAmSinistar: That's what I'm advocating. Seems to be controversial, at least among some of the people who've actually been targeted by massive anonymous downrepping.

No one said the world had to make sense, I suppose.
gunsynd: It would make them think and say ''should I?'' then wait for the backlash.
No,if implemented the cowards would not have the guts to down vote.
It would be interesting that's for sure.
gunsynd: It would make them think and say ''should I?'' then wait for the backlash.
No,if implemented the cowards would not have the guts to down vote.
darthspudius: It would be interesting that's for sure.
Very interesting as a matter of fact:-)
Might even find out who some of the snakes are.
Post edited August 05, 2015 by gunsynd
IAmSinistar: So call me thick (again), but if it's already happening, how does my suggestion make it worse?
I didnt, and I didnt say anything about your suggestion - just the assumption / presumption / statement / suggestion o(whats the damned term I want?!?!?) of:

IAmSinistar: It is highly unlikely to lead to the "insular elites" that some people fear, as the GOG community is not monolithic enough for that to really take hold. Nor do I think most long-term members here have an agenda that way.
is entirely wrong (and proven as such in the past). thats all I had issue with - and have highlighted it as pelnty of people seem to think the current load of poo being dropped arounf the forums is either a new thing, something mde up entirely, something people should ignore or... something long term members would never ever do.

thats all man.

* * * * *

Besides, we both know if I wanted to call you thick, I would dig out those pictures of you in your swimming cossie buying a pie! ;D

Edit: scuse spelling as I'm dealing with a cat thats bleeding rather a lot - everywhere!
Post edited August 05, 2015 by Sachys
darthspudius: It would be interesting that's for sure.
gunsynd: Very interesting as a matter of fact:-)
Might even find out who some of the snakes are.
I already proved to you why that doesn't work.
gunsynd: Very interesting as a matter of fact:-)
Might even find out who some of the snakes are.
Cyraxpt: I already proved to you why that doesn't work.
Sorry,don't recall where that was stated.
IAmSinistar: It is highly unlikely to lead to the "insular elites" that some people fear, as the GOG community is not monolithic enough for that to really take hold. Nor do I think most long-term members here have an agenda that way.
Sachys: is entirely wrong (and proven as such in the past). thats all I had issue with - and have highlighted it as pelnty of people seem to think the current load of poo being dropped arounf the forums is either a new thing, something mde up entirely, something people should ignore or... something long term members would never ever do.
I see. Well, I think my statement still holds true, because I'm talking there about an organised elite, trying to control the forum from behind the scenes Illuminati-style. I'm already aware of, and made mention of, posse comitatus types of groups banding together to take the law in their own hands. I'm no fan of that either. I think there needs to be transparency, which is the thing most likely to take power out of the shadowy grasp of both the malcontents and the censurers.

But yes, I'm not saying any group is without fault, nor that every General with stars by their name is necessarily a paragon of merit. I think I've done enough to disperse that fallacy on my own at times.

Sachys: Edit: scuse spelling as I'm dealing with a cat thats bleeding rather a lot - everywhere!
Criminy, that's the real priority! I hope the poor moggie will be alright. Definitely focus your attention there, the bloodshed on here is all virtual.
IAmSinistar: Criminy, that's the real priority! I hope the poor moggie will be alright. Definitely focus your attention there, the bloodshed on here is all virtual.
...until I mail a bleeding schizocat.

Question: how to scan in cat like the tron movies so it pops out the other end like a fax?!
Cyraxpt: I already proved to you why that doesn't work.
gunsynd: Sorry,don't recall where that was stated.
You're saying that it needs to show the names of those that downvoted you right?

Ok, you said that you don't recall what you said and now im pissed, IM REALLY PISSED GINSYND!!! But i won't downvote, i'll be polite towards you...

But i'm vengeful and i don't forgive so now i'm going to create (free) accounts so that i can downvote you.

*In the next day*

Gunsynd says: Hi guys, how was your day.

Bam, this post was downvoted by: TrollAccount1,TrollAccount2, TrollAccount3, TrollAccount4, etc.

Who are these guys? They never posted on the forum, they don't even have games on their accounts.


I know what you're thinking but you're thinking in the small scale of things, if people are coward to downvote you and don't say a thing what makes you think they won't be coward to make new accounts only to downvote you?
gunsynd: Sorry,don't recall where that was stated.
Cyraxpt: You're saying that it needs to show the names of those that downvoted you right?

Ok, you said that you don't recall what you said and now im pissed, IM REALLY PISSED GINSYND!!! But i won't downvote, i'll be polite towards you...

But i'm vengeful and i don't forgive so now i'm going to create (free) accounts so that i can downvote you.

*In the next day*

Gunsynd says: Hi guys, how was your day.

Bam, this post was downvoted by: TrollAccount1,TrollAccount2, TrollAccount3, TrollAccount4, etc.

Who are these guys? They never posted on the forum, they don't even have games on their accounts.


I know what you're thinking but you're thinking in the small scale of things, if people are coward to downvote you and don't say a thing what makes you think they won't be coward to make new accounts only to downvote you?
Your not as pissed as me and feel free to down vote all you like.
Revenge is sweet.
And if you can remember everything you have said then your a machine,and guess what
sometimes machines fuckup.