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There are some issues with several of your suggestions:
DivisionByZero.620: ==Add a reputation cost to downvoting==
One forum I know has a downvote option where if you downvote some types of posts, you also lose reputation along with whoever you downvoted.

The GOG forums would benefit from this - people who make trash alts or abuse the downvote button will see their reputation take a dive.
First: Everyone that down votes trash alts, as you call them, would also lose reputation by this suggestion. At that point, people are less likely to down vote the trash alts, because it is costing them to "help police the community", so the trash alts may not take nearly the dive you suggest.

And besides, it is a trash alt. Why does that troll behind it care what the trash alt's reputation is?

Second: I don't think anyone can come up with a post identification system that can't be abused.
DivisionByZero.620: ==One reputation change per person per thread==
Currently, if some lowlife is running a downvote campaign against you, they can downvote you once per post. This just results in a toxic forum environment where people can potentially be punished for each post they make.

The solution:
Each person who downvotes/upvotes your posts in a thread can only affect your reputation once in that entire thread.
For example, if I post a thread,and then later post 2 replies (3 posts total), and then some lowlife downvotes all of them for no reason, then I only lose reputation equivalent to one downvote. If I post even more in that thread and the lowlife keeps downvoting my posts on site, I wouldn't lose any more reputation.

A similar rule would apply to upvoting: if you upvote every post that a user makes in one thread, the reputation effect would only count as one upvote.

The reputation change limits would only affect actual reputation; each vote would count normally toward a post being marked as high rated or low rated.
Problem here: Anyone that continually provides help in the same thread can't get credit (such as it is) for continuing to help. Example from personal experience: User One installs a game to play, then creates a thread to ask a few questions before starting. User Two comes along and answers those questions. User One starts playing and has a few more questions, which User Two then answers. Rinse and repeat. User Two is limited in getting rep for being a helper as both users have one bookmarked thread for the Q&A. The work around would be for User One to create a new thread every time he had a new question, which User Two might or might not see.

Second Problem: Damage to rep for being a jerk is limited. A troll gets free reign to crap all over a thread after taking that initial hit. Other users either have to migrate to a new thread (with the troll happily following along), or just suffer through the trolling.
DivisionByZero.620: ==No more silent votes; require that people post in a thread before upvoting/downvoting anyone==

For the most part, silent downvotes aren't useful, except to prevent threads that are obviously spam. If someone's posting crap, it helps to explain why the downvoted post is crap.

Obvious solution: "MAHAYO" (Make A Human Answer You). Hide/disable the reputation buttons until the user has posted in the thread.
Even better, if a bunch of trash alts want to mass downvote someone, they now each have to post in the thread (time-consuming for lowlifes who abusively downvote) The community would now be able to see the trash alts and also have the chance to hammer trash alts with downvotes.
You want to require people to participate in spam threads before being able to mark them as spam? I'm guessing you didn't help out when the korean spam bots came visiting, some time back.
a change would be nice. So trying anything at this point would be good.
BKGaming: Not really because those who have over say 100 or even 200 is going to be much more limited than those who have 0, which is everyone. The biggest issue is trolls, this would essentially eliminate the alt downvoting because who is going to take the time to get that many alts that much rep.
itchy01ca01: But once again, a shift in power, and with power come corruption. Get enough of the regulars together who don't like a person and that person is then bullied into silence. This can go either way. At least with the system we have now it is completely open and free, with no community players being involved. It's not perfect or even great, but at least its honest.
Expect this is not nor has it ever really been the issue... It's not open and free and honest when the same person has 20 accounts just to downvote one person now is it?

You trying to make an argument for something that not currently even an issue and I doubt it will be because most people over 100 are active community members who care about the community and rep.
Post edited August 04, 2015 by BKGaming
itchy01ca01: But once again, a shift in power, and with power come corruption. Get enough of the regulars together who don't like a person and that person is then bullied into silence. This can go either way. At least with the system we have now it is completely open and free, with no community players being involved. It's not perfect or even great, but at least its honest.
BKGaming: Expect this is not nor has it ever really been the issue... It's not open and free and honest when the same person has 20 accounts just to downvote one person now is it?

You trying to make an argument for something that not currently even an issue and I doubt it will be because most people over 100 are active community members who care about the community and rep.
Well you getting defensive about it proves the issue, at least to me. It's all about power and control at the top. Not saying that someone should have control, but i've seen control and power that has been abused by a community, many many times over. This suggestion doesn't work to involve new comers in the forum at all, and actually scares them away. And you won't get rid of the trolls, if they really want to get it. Everybody should know that by now.
high rated
DivisionByZero.620: Here are my suggestions on how to fix it, with no need for appointing moderators. (snipped)
Ciris: Thanks for the valuable input! I'm passing this on to our web team and decision-makers now, so your vote will definitely be heard in the discussions that are going on regarding the forums.
Thank you for reading the OP's post.
But, from past experience, please do not return to us saying that we have asked for these measures. One person did. Many more may disagree with him and not even bother to post here.
If you wish to know what the community wants, please have a front-page poll with suggested measures (before you implement them).
Post edited August 04, 2015 by mrkgnao
itchy01ca01: Well you getting defensive about it proves the issue, at least to me. It's all about power and control at the top. Not saying that someone should have control, but i've seen control and power that has been abused by a community, many many times over. This suggestion doesn't work to involve new comers in the forum at all, and actually scares them away. And you won't get rid of the trolls, if they really want to get it. Everybody should know that by now.
I'm not getting defensive about it at all, I really don't care about that rep system. But I know many here do... there are far better systems they could use, but this is simply about improving what we have in the quickest way possible.

You defending keeping it like it is now, just says to me that you could possibly be one of these people with 20 or so alts floating around and don't want the system to change.
Ciris: Thanks for the valuable input! I'm passing this on to our web team and decision-makers now, so your vote will definitely be heard in the discussions that are going on regarding the forums.
mrkgnao: Thank you for reading the OP's post.
But, from past experience, please do not return to us saying that we have asked for these measures. One person did. Many more may disagree with him and not even bother to post here.
If you wish to know what the community wants, please have a front-page poll with suggested measures (before you implement them).
itchy01ca01: Well you getting defensive about it proves the issue, at least to me. It's all about power and control at the top. Not saying that someone should have control, but i've seen control and power that has been abused by a community, many many times over. This suggestion doesn't work to involve new comers in the forum at all, and actually scares them away. And you won't get rid of the trolls, if they really want to get it. Everybody should know that by now.
BKGaming: I'm not getting defensive about it at all, I really don't care about that rep system. But I know many here do... there are far better systems they could use, but this is simply about improving what we have in the quickest way possible.

You defending keeping it like it is now, just says to me that you could possibly be one of these people with 20 or so alts floating around and don't want the system to change.
Accusing me of having alts floating around is obfuscating the debate points im trying to make. Im not saying don't change it. Im saying, don't change it to your way, because I've seen how that works.
Post edited August 04, 2015 by itchy01ca01
Don't change it to this, don't change it to that. Just get rid of the bloody thing.
itchy01ca01: Accusing me of having alts floating around is obfuscating the debate points im trying to make. Im not saying don't change it. Im saying, don't change it to your way, because I've seen how that works.
I'm accusing you no more than you are accusing me about it being about the" power and control at the top". I particularly don't care how they change it, this was simply one option. I've stated other ways they could too in another thread. I just don't simply agree with your logic that because you "believe" it will be abused that it will. Even though it's being abused right now anyway, so it's not like it would make it any worse.
yyahoo: If new users can't post a link, they also shouldn't be able to vote.
This is probably the quickest, easiest, and least objectionable (in terms of the Law of Unintended Consequences) method to cut down on this latest bout of egregious abuse that I've seen yet. Change the link requirement to 10 and no linking privileges=no voting.
Well these actually might work with one more amendment. You need positive rep to vote/downvote a post. Like you need 25 for posting links.. 25 for voting.
Post edited August 04, 2015 by blotunga
Ciris: Thanks for the valuable input! I'm passing this on to our web team and decision-makers now, so your vote will definitely be heard in the discussions that are going on regarding the forums.
mrkgnao: Thank you for reading the OP's post.
But, from past experience, please do not return to us saying that we have asked for these measures. One person did. Many more may disagree with him and not even bother to post here.
If you wish to know what the community wants, please have a front-page poll with suggested measures (before you implement them).
^ I was thinking the same (who's even that guy, then?).

The current main problem is the alts abuse by scammers.
First prevent that, then think about fixing the rep system.

I hope that Ciris took note of all the other suggestions....
Post edited August 04, 2015 by phaolo
itchy01ca01: This is rule by the masses, and as we have seen, rule by the masses on the internet DOES NOT WORK!
DivisionByZero.620: "This is rule by the masses, and as we have seen, rule by the masses on the internet DOES NOT WORK if there are no consequences for abusing the vote and no way to contest/counter against unfair votes!"

The main problem is that a plain unrestricted up/down vote system turns into a mob-ocracy. My suggestion preserves the voting-based moderation, while adding restrictions that protect honest, well-behaving users and obstruct abusive users/trash alts.
but do we actually have a "voting-based moderation" here? From my impression all the voting does not change or influence the flow of discussion in a thread. (but maybe i am just not reading enough threads)

For me it feels more as if the reputation system is some kind of meta-forum-game where you can gain some virtual points. But it doesn't really do any "moderation" i think.

If the system is as broken as everbody says maybe we should first look at the arguments for why this system is a good idea in the first place. I feel that just throwing the whole thing out would be the fastest way to solve this.
normally what division posts makes me mad or irritated, but some of these are good ideas. i like people having to be accountable for their bashing.
Crewdroog: normally what division posts makes me mad or irritated, but some of these are good ideas. i like people having to be accountable for their bashing.
Except if it's alts that are doing all of the down-voting as everyone seems to be suggesting then who's actually accountable?