Bookwyrm627: 1) When posting on the GOG forum, please refrain from bringing in real world politics and controversial real world topics.
Can't speak for others(
and wasn't planning on posting that sort of thing...the former at all, and the latter atm), but as to this bit:
The first is against the rules so ok, the second though isn't against the rules specifically(It says politics, which usually means govt politics, not social "politics") while I have no intent on posting such atm, unless GOG changes their rules to specifically say social/govt politics not allowed(and also what kinds in general, if possible, so we can avoid breaking such) i'm gonna play that rule by ear(if that runs me afoul of the poorly worded laws then so be it....I will follow rules but I like my rules to be clear).
not you but gog the company) wants people to not even accidentally break said rules then
they should make them crystal clear else they are either being lazy(when making said rules) or worse(they want to keep them vague to allow catch all rules for those they need to "calm down" and "behave").
Bookwyrm627: Topics related directly to games are generally allowed. Just remember to be civil.
Fair enough. :)
Bookwyrm627: 2) Individual moderator decisions are
not up for discussion on the forums, whether it be support, neutral commentary, or disagreement. You are allowed to report that a moderation decision occurred (ex. "I had a post moderated because [reason]"), but that is the extent of it.
That one time was more me asking in the hope of getting a reply for that and any future lockings, and I am not going to do it least not here.....I will however be posting said things on my offsite blog as per usual, though.
Bookwyrm627: I've pinged GOG staff about GOG's preferences for disputing community moderator decisions; my current understanding is that you can ask in PM or a support ticket that the incident be reviewed by a GOG staffer. If I hear differently, I'll let you know.
Will do, and
I will be dropping this here and now....I just find it a bit suspect when a company makes it so that a person cannot show things they dislike about a forum in public, even if civil(that isn't a dig on you btw, as I said, before.....just how I feel in general).
Bookwyrm627: 3) This thread has been left open for the time being as a place for people to ask for clarifications on the rules or moderation. While doing so, please keep in mind the above two points (especially point 2).
I will, and my intent is not to cause any trouble, at least not for the new mods/intentionally....I just like keeping sites and workers for said sites honest, albeit within the system if need be.
BTW ontopic(on modding): Do you guys have to work the whole week or take turns? I hope you guys/gals get breaks at least. If I had to work 7 day weeks i'd probably go mad. o.0