Posted May 08, 2016
Multi-quote man
Multi-quote, man
Take me to your multi-quote land
there's gold in them hills to be panned
Multi-quote man
Multi-quote, man
Also, there has been some snipping of posts done to shorten the post slightly.
drealmer7: Your bilnd "kill anyone as long as someone dies" mentality is very very anti-town.
I'm seeing more and more potential for HSL and trent to be scum-buddies, going for the win by seeming to play against each other and 1 of them (HSL) winning serious enough town points to survive until the end. Not saying this is solidly evidenced or highly likely at this point, but it is something to keep in mind when analyzing everything. I know the circumstances in this game are a little different, but I have to defend trent a little by saying that this has been the prevailing mentality in many a GOG game for some time now. I know that doesn't make it right, but a lot of people do advocate for it almost every game. It's actually gotten to the point where I'm not really sure if it's scummy or not (although I do remember us punishing adalia for it in one game).
Also, I'm getting strong Town vibes from HSL, so I don't really see this at all.
HijacK: You act as if a dead townie's judgement is infallible and couldn't make a mistake, like placing a vote on one of the 3 good roles. That, right there, is a vote you don't want on one of those townies. Let's assume we suck at lynching scum, like hella bad. And boom, we reach a stage where scum are like, 1 less than majority vote. You wouldn't want that vote on your good role, would you? Except if... you were scum... A fair point I think.
Mostly because I share my computer with someone that uses it pretty much all day.
HypersomniacLive: The three good roles? As opposite to the three bad roles, I assume.
Remind me again how we'd know who they are.
Remind me again how you'd tell the difference between a Town-Spectre and a Mafia-Spectre, if the Coroner doesn't speak up or is dead.
Also, amazing scum-hunting. While I don't like HijacK's lurking or current actions, I think you're being a bit dismissive here.
While the likelihood of such an event may seem low, it could be possible that a Spectre-train (this is the name of my new screamo band, we sing about the pain of standing in lines that are slightly too long, bringing about our blood-soaked kingdom of pain, and how we felt that one time Jenny Damascus from AP Math once told us she wouldn't go out with us because she didn't, "Date weirdo emo losers that drive around in the Mystery Machines ugly brother.") could form on one of the three Good roles that could result in a lynch due to them being unable to unvote.
lotsofchickenwings: Trying quite again. -- I don't disagree with you. Would love to hear more about why Hijack or trentwolf ? Trenton because of his continued misrepresentations of certain posts and his aggressive behaviour which I find to be out of step with his usual play.
HijacK because he lurked for most of yesterday and has still not contributed all that much today, and when he has, it has mostly been it act in his own self-interest (given, we all do this) and not to advance any of the proceedings.
I have more notes to contribute, as I am up to date with all of the posts, but I am going to do the next bit in the form of a reply to drealmer, mainly to retain the links he made in his long post about trenton (#521).
Multi-quote, man
Take me to your multi-quote land
there's gold in them hills to be panned
Multi-quote man
Multi-quote, man
Also, there has been some snipping of posts done to shorten the post slightly.

I'm seeing more and more potential for HSL and trent to be scum-buddies, going for the win by seeming to play against each other and 1 of them (HSL) winning serious enough town points to survive until the end. Not saying this is solidly evidenced or highly likely at this point, but it is something to keep in mind when analyzing everything.
Also, I'm getting strong Town vibes from HSL, so I don't really see this at all.

Mostly because I share my computer with someone that uses it pretty much all day.

Remind me again how we'd know who they are.
Remind me again how you'd tell the difference between a Town-Spectre and a Mafia-Spectre, if the Coroner doesn't speak up or is dead.
Also, amazing scum-hunting.
While the likelihood of such an event may seem low, it could be possible that a Spectre-train (this is the name of my new screamo band, we sing about the pain of standing in lines that are slightly too long, bringing about our blood-soaked kingdom of pain, and how we felt that one time Jenny Damascus from AP Math once told us she wouldn't go out with us because she didn't, "Date weirdo emo losers that drive around in the Mystery Machines ugly brother.") could form on one of the three Good roles that could result in a lynch due to them being unable to unvote.

HijacK because he lurked for most of yesterday and has still not contributed all that much today, and when he has, it has mostly been it act in his own self-interest (given, we all do this) and not to advance any of the proceedings.
I have more notes to contribute, as I am up to date with all of the posts, but I am going to do the next bit in the form of a reply to drealmer, mainly to retain the links he made in his long post about trenton (#521).