Posted May 02, 2016

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted May 02, 2016

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted May 02, 2016
Because the mafia have no power roles and should all be goons.

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted May 02, 2016

I won't vote for a newbie on D1 on principle, and since both you and Wyrm have been taking pot (or kettle) shots towards me, I do not want to vote too hastily since my view is quite likely biased.
I could vote for Drealmer to get a lynch, but I don't see something that damning.
Voting for anyone else at this point doesn't look like it will result in a lynch, and I don't like waving my vote around.

So why wouldn't the coroner target a NK?
Am I to assume that you've read up to post #344, and none of the rest yet? If not, does it mean that you have nth to comment on the later discussion?

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted May 02, 2016

So why wouldn't the coroner target a NK?

As I said, if a lynch is scum, and the flip does give us alignment, so we know we lynched a mafia goon, why wouldn't the coroner investigate a night kill instead of confirming that it was indeed a goon that was lynched?
If we don't get alignment on flip, then yes, lynch targets are more likely to be investigated by the coroner than night kill ones, but that doesn't mean night kills are impossible targets for the coroner.

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted May 02, 2016
I misread your question so disregard my answer

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted May 02, 2016

So why wouldn't the coroner target a NK?
Under that logic, we already know nearly everything relevant about every NK: the NK was town. We don't know whether the lynch is scum or town, so we don't know what filter to use when reevaluating the lynchee's posts.
I'm planning to reevaluate this stance once Day 2 dawns, and we have the lynch flip (hopefully), NK flip (maybe), and third power's public description (as promised).

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted May 02, 2016
Your first post starts with you voting for an absent newbie. You say that people are not paying attention just to gauge reactions. You comment on people's friends. You take advantage of questions to jump back on other missing newbies.
Yes, you are attempting to cause people to react, and that does usually require one to be a bit aggressive about it. But you do come like a gunnery sergeant talking to recruits.
Information that we don't have. Like whether the NK was a vanilla or a PR. If we do get alignment on flip, lynching scum will mean we lynched a goon. What would we gain by the coroner investigating the lynched mafia?
That doesn't mean that the information we gain may be beneficial, but it will be information we didn't.
Your first post starts with you voting for an absent newbie. You say that people are not paying attention just to gauge reactions. You comment on people's friends. You take advantage of questions to jump back on other missing newbies.
Yes, you are attempting to cause people to react, and that does usually require one to be a bit aggressive about it. But you do come like a gunnery sergeant talking to recruits.
Information that we don't have. Like whether the NK was a vanilla or a PR. If we do get alignment on flip, lynching scum will mean we lynched a goon. What would we gain by the coroner investigating the lynched mafia?
That doesn't mean that the information we gain may be beneficial, but it will be information we didn't.

Registered: Jan 2013
From South Africa
Posted May 02, 2016

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted May 02, 2016

In a game with no flips, and with the Evil win condition in place, we can't rely on night-action results to solve and win the game. We must put our heads together, and work through things (who and why gets lynched/NK-ed, what interactions they had, who took what stance, etc.). But if people don't engage in the game, we're going to have very little to nth to work with.
On a side note, it feels like drealmer7 is laying low to avoid getting lynched. I don't like it one bit.

Irish ☕ good
Registered: Aug 2014
From Denmark
Posted May 02, 2016

I must say that I'm not actually trying to lurk this time around (with no real success). It's just that my life has gotten quite busy over the past month or so (in a positive way).
As for Friends, I've watched the whole thing through at least twice. My sister really loves the show and owns the DVD box set. It's a fun show.
I give babark a slack because he just does not share much. Can't really tell why he acts so. Lotsofckickenwings is changing as the days go by. Not sure if it's for the better or for the worse. I don't have enough stamina and willpower to challenge and go after all three novices, so I go after a4plz, who so far, changed for the worse.
I am happy you are doing better out there. I myself am having some struggles, this game keeps me a bit more alive.
Friends - I am currently at S03 E02. Owning DVDs shows real commitment, I admire your sister.

..., but I feel as if Bookwyrm is trying to hide in plain sight. Thoughts, everyone?

Here is an idea. I am all in for lynching the scummiest looking player. drealmer7 and a4plz both have most votes on them (3 votes each if I get it right). HijacK is floating there somewhere as a possible lynch target. How about we take these three players and decide, which one to lynch. To make matters easier, lets keep discussions about other players to a minimum (until lynching target is decided).
- HijacK - contributed little; hates RVS and had exams; I don't know what to add, because I would not vote him.
- drealmer7 - contributed normal amount; was offensive/provoking and ended up somewhat disliked; like HypersomniacLive mentioned, is now keeping low profile; promoted No-Lynch; ...
- a4plz - new player; goes more or less together with drealmer7; keeps low profile while earlier was full of energy; promoted No-Lynch; wanted to discuss roles much; ...
I am currently voting a4plz and I am perfectly comfortable switching to drealmer7.
How about you?

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted May 02, 2016

Your first post starts with you voting for an absent newbie. You say that people are not paying attention just to gauge reactions. You comment on people's friends. You take advantage of questions to jump back on other missing newbies.
Yes, you are attempting to cause people to react, and that does usually require one to be a bit aggressive about it. But you do come like a gunnery sergeant talking to recruits.
So, you do want us all to twiddle our thumbs. How do you think the game would progress if everyone played like you do, especially on D1?

Information that we don't have. Like whether the NK was a vanilla or a PR. If we do get alignment on flip, lynching scum will mean we lynched a goon. What would we gain by the coroner investigating the lynched mafia?
That doesn't mean that the information we gain may be beneficial, but it will be information we didn't.

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States
Posted May 02, 2016
Oh sure, now you all decide to actually play and participate now that the deadline is imminent. It would have been nice to see this amount of participation before just before the deadline.
I'm at post #305 and need to catch up, not sure if it will get done before the deadline.
A quick note for the reading impaired:
I haven't been pushing no lynch, I've been pushing the discussion on no-lynch. Learn the subtle differences, it'd be great. I'm really sick of being called anti-town for trying to generate discussion about things, which is PRO-TOWN TO DO. I've even detailed reasoning and it should be easy enough to follow, if you can't follow or refuse to even consider my perspective, THAT is anti-town.
okay now to read
I'm at post #305 and need to catch up, not sure if it will get done before the deadline.
A quick note for the reading impaired:
I haven't been pushing no lynch, I've been pushing the discussion on no-lynch. Learn the subtle differences, it'd be great. I'm really sick of being called anti-town for trying to generate discussion about things, which is PRO-TOWN TO DO. I've even detailed reasoning and it should be easy enough to follow, if you can't follow or refuse to even consider my perspective, THAT is anti-town.
okay now to read

Irish ☕ good
Registered: Aug 2014
From Denmark