Posted May 01, 2016

Irish ☕ good
Registered: Aug 2014
From Denmark

Registered: Jan 2013
From South Africa
Posted May 01, 2016
Two short notes:
#222 - babark - I do not like this line of reasoning. This sounds like an excuse to not be helpful or participate in the game.
#235 - HijacK - "And CSPVG hasn't really done much to be honest..."
I'm glad that you're all noticing just how much effort I put into being absent. It makes me feel appreciated.
The deadline is tomorrow. I don't really see myself moving my current vote off of HijacK before then, unless something drastic occurs (a slip, some sort of interesting information brought to the fore by HijacK, etc.).
#222 - babark - I do not like this line of reasoning. This sounds like an excuse to not be helpful or participate in the game.
#235 - HijacK - "And CSPVG hasn't really done much to be honest..."
I'm glad that you're all noticing just how much effort I put into being absent. It makes me feel appreciated.
The deadline is tomorrow. I don't really see myself moving my current vote off of HijacK before then, unless something drastic occurs (a slip, some sort of interesting information brought to the fore by HijacK, etc.).

Registered: Dec 2012
From Micronesia

Irish ☕ good
Registered: Aug 2014
From Denmark
Posted May 01, 2016
After the deadline, if majority of 7 votes is not reached - is the Day ending with No Lynch or is the player with most votes (lets say, 5) lynched?

New User
Registered: Apr 2016
From United States
Posted May 01, 2016

My second option would be to lynch one of the new players. I have to ponder a little as to who looks most suspicious, but for the moment, I the back of my mind, I am giving lotsofchickenwings a bit of slack and would want to lynch a4plz, because if (s)he is scum, (s)he is dangerous.
Unvote babark
I will think this all over and cast my vote later. It's most likely going to be on drealmer7.
aside call me male / although i'd rather be called "it" and or "they" as chicken wings are neither male nor female.
While I obviously think a newbie lynch D1 should not be me, I agree with the logic. Our town needs information and intel and as sucky as it is for a newbie, newbies are a high level of unpredictability at this stage and throughout.
FWIW - I'd love to provide intel and insight. I've read everything and picked up on anger and hostility - which I'm assuming is nothing new. What's difficult in my position is that intuition has a tough time piercing through typed text. I'm used to playing mafia live where right brain has usually served me better than the left brain analytical.
I'm leaning towards A4plz, babark since they are the biggest wildcards. I understand I'm in that same boat, but it's needs to be said by a newbie.
unvote: cristigale

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States

Irish ☕ good
Registered: Aug 2014
From Denmark

Pirate Mullah
Registered: Dec 2010
From Pakistan
Posted May 01, 2016

I'd like to participate, and I'm following the discussions going on here, but like I said, with the current level of information, I don't see what else can be discussed. If someone says something I deem response-needing, I'll do it!

New User
Registered: Apr 2016
From United States
Posted May 01, 2016

What is this royalty you speak of? Again - sounds a bit...evil empire to me.

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted May 01, 2016
The deadline is already that close, huh?
I find myself in an odd position. There isn't any one I particularly want to lynch, and yet I'm firmly of the opinion that someone needs to die. Newbies be warned: starting Day 2, you're fair game as far as I'm concerned.
In the meantime...Prognosticating, Predetermining, Predicting, Forecasting, Ommmmm.
JMich! You are a horrible human person, and scum! Defend yourself!
Vote JMich.
JMich has provided basically nothing new, has not pushed anywhere, and seems content to wait for the deadline to pass us by.
I find myself in an odd position. There isn't any one I particularly want to lynch, and yet I'm firmly of the opinion that someone needs to die. Newbies be warned: starting Day 2, you're fair game as far as I'm concerned.
In the meantime...Prognosticating, Predetermining, Predicting, Forecasting, Ommmmm.
JMich! You are a horrible human person, and scum! Defend yourself!
Vote JMich.
JMich has provided basically nothing new, has not pushed anywhere, and seems content to wait for the deadline to pass us by.

Irish ☕ good
Registered: Aug 2014
From Denmark
Posted May 01, 2016
I think your vote lacks boldness. IF it is a vote at all! Or is it a trick move? I like tricks. Magic tricks! Can you pull out a rabbit out of JM...that vote?
It is ironically funny how some of us lean here or there, have or agree on allegedly good insights, yet none have placed a normal, a valid, a reasoned and a firm vote on a player to lynch. And why the hell am I saying that?
Vote ...
I want to vote drealmer7, but he was lynched D1 how many games now? Looks stupid. Man needs to be given a chance! But this game, I do not trust him. And asking to be pardoned from being killed at least D1, N1 (he did specifically ask scum not to kill him) sounds, looks, feels awkward.
New players? Sure, I expect some fascinating involvement and super enthusiastic, extremely insightful insights that would make me drop my jaw and look like a cartoon character. But babark has a point more or less - all we have now, is our guessing, based on information that is half RVS, half does not even exist and the third half is...something. For D1, I give babark a pass.
Lotsofchickenwings seems to agree with me too easily. He also seems to fully understand the position he is in. THAT means he is smart player and knows where he is standing. More or less. Can I vote him for agreeing with me to lynch a novice? It's too tricky of a situation for me to understand.
Should I vote a4plz? I want to. (S)he is also smart, like the rest of them. And (taken from what flubbucket said) it may just be his/her enthusiastic personality that makes him/her more active. But I did not like "No lynch" proposition, I did not like speaking of the roles and it is basically a WIFOM. A4plz either is a scum, or is not.
Unvote ... (just to be certain everything is in order)
Vote a4plz (it is my final vote)
To sum up the monologue:
- I want to give drealmer7 a chance to not get lynched again D1 and maybe for once, I hope, his ideas (expressed in whatever manner) will prove useful in the game. I still do not trust him though.
- I choose to vote a4plz because (s)he is new, unreadable, proposed ideas were unhelpful for Town, I get strange feeling like (s)he is hiding something. On a side note, I also want to test idea if all three novices form scum team or not.
Few last things I just feel like saying out loud:
- I believe HijacK is indeed preoccupied with RL stuff and I hope he will soon come out of his "cool cave" and be more active, more helpful.
- CSPVG is living up to his "lurker" status. It both amuses me and makes me want to slap someone's face.
- I recently started watching TV show Friends. It's funny! Casual funny. Fills my current need for light comedy just the right amount right now. Anyone has watched Friends and liked it?
I am basically living my weekend in a train. Hope yours is better.
It is ironically funny how some of us lean here or there, have or agree on allegedly good insights, yet none have placed a normal, a valid, a reasoned and a firm vote on a player to lynch. And why the hell am I saying that?
Vote ...
I want to vote drealmer7, but he was lynched D1 how many games now? Looks stupid. Man needs to be given a chance! But this game, I do not trust him. And asking to be pardoned from being killed at least D1, N1 (he did specifically ask scum not to kill him) sounds, looks, feels awkward.
New players? Sure, I expect some fascinating involvement and super enthusiastic, extremely insightful insights that would make me drop my jaw and look like a cartoon character. But babark has a point more or less - all we have now, is our guessing, based on information that is half RVS, half does not even exist and the third half is...something. For D1, I give babark a pass.
Lotsofchickenwings seems to agree with me too easily. He also seems to fully understand the position he is in. THAT means he is smart player and knows where he is standing. More or less. Can I vote him for agreeing with me to lynch a novice? It's too tricky of a situation for me to understand.
Should I vote a4plz? I want to. (S)he is also smart, like the rest of them. And (taken from what flubbucket said) it may just be his/her enthusiastic personality that makes him/her more active. But I did not like "No lynch" proposition, I did not like speaking of the roles and it is basically a WIFOM. A4plz either is a scum, or is not.
Unvote ... (just to be certain everything is in order)
Vote a4plz (it is my final vote)
To sum up the monologue:
- I want to give drealmer7 a chance to not get lynched again D1 and maybe for once, I hope, his ideas (expressed in whatever manner) will prove useful in the game. I still do not trust him though.
- I choose to vote a4plz because (s)he is new, unreadable, proposed ideas were unhelpful for Town, I get strange feeling like (s)he is hiding something. On a side note, I also want to test idea if all three novices form scum team or not.
Few last things I just feel like saying out loud:
- I believe HijacK is indeed preoccupied with RL stuff and I hope he will soon come out of his "cool cave" and be more active, more helpful.
- CSPVG is living up to his "lurker" status. It both amuses me and makes me want to slap someone's face.
- I recently started watching TV show Friends. It's funny! Casual funny. Fills my current need for light comedy just the right amount right now. Anyone has watched Friends and liked it?
I am basically living my weekend in a train. Hope yours is better.

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted May 01, 2016
Easter celebrations done, back at home, time to read what has happened in the last 2 days. Let's see if anything noteworthy has happened, or if wyrm wishes for someone to stir the pot and takes pot shots at me for not doing so (yes, I did glimpse at the last few posts to see if someone was lynched).

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted May 01, 2016

It is ironically funny how some of us lean here or there, have or agree on allegedly good insights, yet none have placed a normal, a valid, a reasoned and a firm vote on a player to lynch. And why the hell am I saying that?
Vote ...
I want to vote drealmer7, but he was lynched D1 how many games now? Looks stupid. Man needs to be given a chance! But this game, I do not trust him. And asking to be pardoned from being killed at least D1, N1 (he did specifically ask scum not to kill him) sounds, looks, feels awkward.
New players? Sure, I expect some fascinating involvement and super enthusiastic, extremely insightful insights that would make me drop my jaw and look like a cartoon character. But babark has a point more or less - all we have now, is our guessing, based on information that is half RVS, half does not even exist and the third half is...something. For D1, I give babark a pass.
Lotsofchickenwings seems to agree with me too easily. He also seems to fully understand the position he is in. THAT means he is smart player and knows where he is standing. More or less. Can I vote him for agreeing with me to lynch a novice? It's too tricky of a situation for me to understand.
Should I vote a4plz? I want to. (S)he is also smart, like the rest of them. And (taken from what flubbucket said) it may just be his/her enthusiastic personality that makes him/her more active. But I did not like "No lynch" proposition, I did not like speaking of the roles and it is basically a WIFOM. A4plz either is a scum, or is not.
Unvote ... (just to be certain everything is in order)
Vote a4plz (it is my final vote)
To sum up the monologue:
- I want to give drealmer7 a chance to not get lynched again D1 and maybe for once, I hope, his ideas (expressed in whatever manner) will prove useful in the game. I still do not trust him though.
- I choose to vote a4plz because (s)he is new, unreadable, proposed ideas were unhelpful for Town, I get strange feeling like (s)he is hiding something. On a side note, I also want to test idea if all three novices form scum team or not.
Few last things I just feel like saying out loud:
- I believe HijacK is indeed preoccupied with RL stuff and I hope he will soon come out of his "cool cave" and be more active, more helpful.
- CSPVG is living up to his "lurker" status. It both amuses me and makes me want to slap someone's face.
- I recently started watching TV show Friends. It's funny! Casual funny. Fills my current need for light comedy just the right amount right now. Anyone has watched Friends and liked it?

1. Supernatural
2. Friends
3. Big Bang Theory
4. Firefly
5. Justified
Have fun on the train, never ridden on one before.
I will leave my vote where it is unless something happens that is vote worthy.

finding balance
Registered: Dec 2010
From United States

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States
Posted May 01, 2016

Vote JMich.
Kettle. Kettle shots.