It was even more stupid than that (confusing the two names with players). I literally read this post:
Dessimu: Now lets suppose for a second that WE (all of us, even those half-bloods), are not greedy, greasy, money-hungry bastards, willing to bath in elder's blood. Really, how do we find a killer? Or killers? It would be wise to presume the worst case scenario where we multiple killerS, sleeping together. Erm, I mean working. So... How many? Lets say 3. It sounds normal. Also, I am not familiar enough to role playing here, so I can't even expect to think of strange twistyness.
If we have multiple killers, or a killer with his/her accomplices, we need to grasp role playing somehow. How can they be related? I find that Hawles lady a true work of art. Why? She is now 36, her daughter Lizzy is 18. Age difference means that Erin got pregnant being 18 years old. My papa at the time was 27, with two small children and a recently dead wife. What the hell?! How did this piranha, named Erin, found her way to papa's bed?!
That ^ is a start of a solid plan. Erin gets pregnant, gets married to papa, which ends with Lizzy becoming a legitimate heir to some sort of Adderly family fortune. Solid injection, congratulations, Erin!
and for some reason had it in my head as Lifthrasil's not Dessimu's. It just read as "different" from the previous posts using RP to cast votes.
As far as why I didn't switch votes. Meh, this seems as good a place as any.