Posted February 18, 2016

A bloody pirate!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Bulgaria

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted February 18, 2016
Uncle Gene, seriously wtf.
First you bring this poor-ass kid who smells like a junior-high school locker room along with us, and I'm totally sure his mom was some Stuckey's waitress, amirite? And now you're voting for me for what, president? Thanks, Uncle Gene. Get with the program, okay? Sometimes I seriously want to just stab you in the throat with an icepick and take your share of the inheritance.
First you bring this poor-ass kid who smells like a junior-high school locker room along with us, and I'm totally sure his mom was some Stuckey's waitress, amirite? And now you're voting for me for what, president? Thanks, Uncle Gene. Get with the program, okay? Sometimes I seriously want to just stab you in the throat with an icepick and take your share of the inheritance.

Registered: Jan 2013
From South Africa
Posted February 18, 2016

First you bring this poor-ass kid who smells like a junior-high school locker room along with us, and I'm totally sure his mom was some Stuckey's waitress, amirite? And now you're voting for me for what, president? Thanks, Uncle Gene. Get with the program, okay? Sometimes I seriously want to just stab you in the throat with an icepick and take your share of the inheritance.
Apart from my inclination towards the arbitrary, I haven't the slightest reason to vote for you other than the fact that, for now, the Fates prompt me to. If you continue behaving in this manner, though - Well, I can't say what I'll do.
Also, Allen dear, must you always crash into every room and announce that you're my bastard? It's getting tiresome. Just last week, before the entirety of my Bible study group, you shoulder charged a door open, breaking it in the process, bumped over three vases - the last one on purpose, too, so that you could, as you said then, "Complete the set in its brokenness." - jumped up on the coffee table, and proclaimed to the whole group, "Daddy, your bastard is home." Now this. It's really all a little much.

Easily amused
Registered: Apr 2014
From United States
Posted February 18, 2016

First you bring this poor-ass kid who smells like a junior-high school locker room along with us, and I'm totally sure his mom was some Stuckey's waitress, amirite? And now you're voting for me for what, president? Thanks, Uncle Gene. Get with the program, okay? Sometimes I seriously want to just stab you in the throat with an icepick and take your share of the inheritance.

A bloody pirate!
Registered: Apr 2012
From Bulgaria
Posted February 18, 2016

Registered: Jan 2013
From South Africa
Posted February 18, 2016

Do you remember that Mrs. Rutherford's funeral? Your nanny for eighteen years of your life and all you can say when you get up to supposedly give her eulogy - which was mostly about how she smelled too much of cigarettes - you began with the line, "Dear Ones, I, Allen Perkins, bastard son of Eugene Adderly, have a few things to say about Whatshername." I mean, really. What! I say. Not done! I say. Yes.
Besides, you know I pride myself on ever-faltering stoicism. Handshakes and the occasional baseball game at family lunches are all I can stomach. Besides my original besides, we talk, don't we? That's something.

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted February 18, 2016

CSPVG, dearest. Talk to your son and find out if he has done wrong. I fear so. But I can't bring myself to vote on him yet. And if he didn't do wrong, please my dear husband, keep us safe from the villainous murderer who is loose on this island!

Irish ☕ good
Registered: Aug 2014
From Denmark

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted February 19, 2016
Well, what choice did I have. I, other than some, respect the sanctity of marriage. I will stand by my husband, even if he fails. And when he decided to own up to his mistake and take care of his poor bastard son, of course I had to support him in that decision. Much better this way then of the boy had been raised by his wench of a mother!

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

Irish ☕ good
Registered: Aug 2014
From Denmark

Boxer Dogs Rule
Registered: Feb 2014
From United States
Posted February 19, 2016
Well I never! I'll be DAMNED if one of Michael's snotnosed little brats sees a dime of this money!
Vote Dessimu
Elizabeth, come here darling. Mommy won't let anyone hurt you.
Vote Dessimu
Elizabeth, come here darling. Mommy won't let anyone hurt you.

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany
Posted February 19, 2016
Well, you're not related to me, thank god. Even though you are my husbands child.
Do you know that for a fact? That she is carrying poison around with her? Very suspicious!
Do you know that for a fact? That she is carrying poison around with her? Very suspicious!

Irish ☕ good
Registered: Aug 2014
From Denmark
Posted February 19, 2016
Little bloody brats we are?!.. Would you mind telling us, how your skinny 18 years old legs found their way to papa's bed? Was it after your first "sleeping spree" that you got pregnant, or did you wait a little longer?