yogsloth: I haven't fully decided yet. But I'll contemplate it today during our annual Christmas party, when we invite 100 of our closest friends to invade my house, eat all the good food I'm not allowed to have, and break my shit. Starts in about 15 minutes.
Heh, good luck with that!
adaliabooks: Edit: Scratch that, the second game does it the other way (I think, it's hard to follow, just a load of people shouting shoot XD)
Seems simple enough to me... the bulletproof role in one of the games was broken, I wouldn't use that. Just go 2 (or 3?) scum and the rest plain town.
Yeah, I was a little confused, but they seemed to queue up the first 6 votes, and then run through them til something hit, then reset.
I think you'd want a reset of all shots after a vote anyway. The thing I'm not clear on is whether one can abandon one's shot after placing it but before the whole thing goes off, and if so, how does that impact the rest of the queue. E.g. if I give up my 2 in 6 shot, but there's already a 3 in 6 vote on the table, am I barred from backing out? Or if I can back out, does the 2 in 6 spot open up, or does the 3 in 6 fall back to the 2 in 6?
From the wiki originally I thought people just took turns firing rather than a set queue with the days' queue all run at once.
And I agree, the bulletproof thing seems a bit broken or at least needs to be balanced carefully. But could be useful/necessary if the ratio was otherwise skewed to scum (3 scum, 6 vanilla town, 1 bulletproof town). I