Posted February 01, 2020
So 2020 is a leap year (366 days). Tomorrow will be the 33rd day of the year, leaving 333 days to go in the year (33-3333) and the date will be 02/02/2020.
02022020 333333.
The next palindromic date will be 101 years from now, December 12 2121.
Then another 909 years, March 3 3030.
Then another 1,010 years, April 4 4040.
But none of these will be leap years, let alone where the date occurs in such a way to split the year 33/333. The occurrence tomorrow may quite literally never occur again throughout time using our calendar.
i think there's an extra 3 in there, but the rest is interesting02022020 333333.
The next palindromic date will be 101 years from now, December 12 2121.
Then another 909 years, March 3 3030.
Then another 1,010 years, April 4 4040.
But none of these will be leap years, let alone where the date occurs in such a way to split the year 33/333. The occurrence tomorrow may quite literally never occur again throughout time using our calendar.