Posted October 27, 2019

1) Supernatural (as in the tv show). A group of hunters vs the monsters being hunted
2) Pass it on! There is a bomb in play each night and whoever has it has to compulsively pass it to someone else. The bomb can not be given back to the previous holder of the bomb. Suited for 9 players, would have 2 mafia, 1 Town Vigilante, and 6 Vanilla Townies. If setup ends up being that there are 3 or more mafia then the bomb can not be held by mafia for more than one night. If a night kill lands on a player the night they give the bomb away the bomb won't detonate. The target has to receive the kill, and the bomb modifier the same night for the detonation to occur. The bomb will be randomly placed N1. If the bomb holder is lynched the bomb is no longer in play.
3) I have a role madness setup for Harry Potter. Closed setup
What would most prefer?