bler144: There's also a bit of a tactical dilemma here. By the numbers Godfather is the least useful role since it counters only one town role (cop) whereas strongman (doctor, RB) and Ninja (Tracker/watcher) both counter two.
Yes, but it's extremely unlikely for Town to choose two roles from the same bucket (doctor/RB or watcher/tracker). Town is going to vote to get one max from each. So while strongman and Ninja counter 2 roles, in practice they will counter only 1, just like Godfather.
Cop has the advantage of being the only role, aside from Doctor, who doesn't give any false positives so to speak. RB, watcher and tracker can as you noted backfire if they target a town PR.
On top of that, if a cop misses, he still provides a tiny bit of useful info in saying that X is town (or Godfather). If a doctor or RB misses, the net result is nothing useful.
All in all I think town should choose 2 x 1 from each bucket (cop),(doc/RB),(tracker,watcher). WIth RB ideally skipped, and preferably tracker over watcher.