Bookwyrm627: You'll need to join the hosting list (this request should be sufficient for that), so be aware that it may be a month or two before your turn to host comes up (I'm on mobile at the moment, so not sure how long the list is right now).
PookaMustard: Hosting list looks like this
1. ZFR
2. agentcarr16
3. Vitek (flubbucket)
4. Lifthrasil
5. trentonlf
6. JoeSapphire
If it's ZFR's turn, then next would be agentcarr followed by ... until JoeSapphire. I expect five months at that. Hopefully my activity won't tank until then, as...I'm looking for a job right now. But things shouldn't be too bad.
Bookvvyrm628 told me he wanted to host one too.
Bookwyrm627: About one month per game sounds about right, assuming around 10-12 people per game.
Here's hoping you find a good job!
Long long ago we used to run games in parallel in a staggered sort of fashion. That's right, we had that many players!