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JoeSapphire: Russian Roulette yay!
brap brap brrrrap!
I think Russian Roulette with automatic weapons would be over extremely quickly.
JoeSapphire: Russian Roulette yay!
brap brap brrrrap!
SirPrimalform: I think Russian Roulette with automatic weapons would be over extremely quickly.
Depends. If it's a G36 after heavy use, it will hit someone else than the one you're pointing at. ;-)
Lifthrasil: Sure. I'd be up for some Russian Roulette.
Shoot Lifthrasil

SirPrimalform: I've never played it as I was away during Joe's game. Hopefully someone is up for running another so I can play?
Shoot SirPrimalform

dedoporno: [...] I'd be very happy to some fun with everyone here playing something quick.
Shoot dedoporno

Bookwyrm627: I should be able to run a RR game, [...] Fair warning, if I'm the lead mod, I'll probably be resetting bullets for every little excuse I can make up. More PEW PEW!
Shoot Bookwyrm627

agentcarr16: I'm down to try some RR. Haven't been in one of those yet.
Shoot agentcarr16

mchack: yay :D

shoot shoot shoot
Shoot mchack

JoeSapphire: [...] Russian Roulette yay!
brap brap brrrrap!
Shoot JoeSapphire

Game over

HypersomniacLive wins

There, this should be satisfyingly quick for everyone.

Next game?

SirPrimalform: I think Russian Roulette with automatic weapons would be over extremely quickly.
Well, the first Russian Roulette we played here concluded in about a day, and we didn't have automatic weapons.

SirPrimalform: Guilty child? Scum whose alignment is announced at the start of the game. :P

dedoporno: I'm quite busy at work and getting ready for my son's birth in early January [...]
Exciting times!
Post edited December 05, 2018 by HypersomniacLive
dedoporno: I'm quite busy at work and getting ready for my son's birth in early January but I'd be very happy to some fun with everyone here playing something quick.
Another son, awesome!! Congrats my friend!! If the birth happens on January 13th that is my Oldest daughters birthday :)
HypersomniacLive: Exciting times!
trentonlf: Another son, awesome!! Congrats my friend!! If the birth happens on January 13th that is my Oldest daughters birthday :)
Thank you, friends. And at least on paper the baby is due exactly on January 13th :)
trentonlf: Another son, awesome!! Congrats my friend!! If the birth happens on January 13th that is my Oldest daughters birthday :)
dedoporno: Thank you, friends. And at least on paper the baby is due exactly on January 13th :)
heh. I've come to find out that babys aren't as punctual as you might like. ;)
don't be surprised (like I was) when they come around a few days earlier than expected :D
Seeing no objections, I've created a sign-up thread.
Lifthrasil: So, do we make a pre-Christmas break and re-start lynching each other next year? I guess that would be sensible, since the Christmas-time is usually connected to lots of absences. Mine included.
I don't mind either. I should have time during Christmas season to play, but I prefer to wait till January.
Sign ups are coming along nicely. I'll probably close them around Wednesday, so sign up soon if you want to play!
Bookwyrm627: Sign ups are coming along nicely. I'll probably close them around Wednesday, so sign up soon if you want to play!
What do you mean you'll close them? I thought the list was filled a couple of days ago?!
dedoporno: What do you mean you'll close them? I thought the list was filled a couple of days ago?!
I understand there's no limit to the number of players (within reason).
The more the merrier. As long as I get a volley gun or Gatling.
Bookwyrm627: Sign ups are coming along nicely. I'll probably close them around Wednesday, so sign up soon if you want to play!
dedoporno: What do you mean you'll close them? I thought the list was filled a couple of days ago?!
Pretty much what SPF said. When there's another sign-up, I add a new number and the new name.

If you want to sign up, then sign up!
dedoporno: What do you mean you'll close them? I thought the list was filled a couple of days ago?!
Nah, SirPrimalform's personality doesn't fit in a single account, so he signed up using another two, and who knows if he's done.
HypersomniacLive: Nah, SirPrimalform's personality doesn't fit in a single account, so he signed up using another two, and who knows if he's done.
You think there's only 3 of me in that thread eh? Interesting.