Posted June 16, 2016

Bring the GOG-Downloader back!
Registered: Apr 2011
From Germany

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted June 16, 2016
...The Greater Good.
Very rough draft of even what we're doing, but the basic space is there. If it ends up getting too much negative attention we can move it to a QT down the road.
Very rough draft of even what we're doing, but the basic space is there. If it ends up getting too much negative attention we can move it to a QT down the road.

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States

Mafia Admin
Registered: Nov 2011
From Italy
Posted June 22, 2016

Mafia Admin
Registered: Nov 2011
From Italy
Posted June 22, 2016
The following content is the result of much deliberation by leadership. This is not a knee jerk response, or a spur of the moment retort.
It is time to formally deal with the state of our mafia family. Like all families, unity is critical if the family is to survive. While tension is bound to arise, and is actually healthy, chronic belligerence and personal attacks are not signs of a healthy family. Protection and preservation of this family is our highest priority. Therefore since our authority is final here, it will be addressed.
Evidence indicates there is no concerted effort to run off anyone or dissuade players from participating. However there has been much disregard for player respect and consideration. This is not a game for the bad tempered. While this game is based on pressure and “button pushing” it must remain affable after the final bell. If this is not what you’re looking for, then by all means go find it somewhere else. We will maintain a spirit of competition, but friendly competition. It should be quite clear if so many players are refusing to play because of something specific, it warrants scrutiny.
Drealmer7: while your style of play is mildly different than what we’ve had here for some time, please understand clearly; you are welcome to play here. However you must change some things. We want to be clear. You must change. There have been other players here with behaviors which were deemed worthy of discussion. It was handled through PM conversation and their changes were satisfactory. You, however, seem to not be willing or able to see yourself clearly. Your disregard for rules, overwhelming PMs to moderators, lack of respect for authority, and adverse effect on player moral make it mandatory for you to make some changes. We’re not your parent, brother, neighbor, or even your friend. We are the final authority and this is not open for discussion. It is up to you to make the changes you’ve been told about over and over. If you are not mature enough to do this you won’t play here. Since you have been spoken to via PM, and warned privately, you need to consider this probation.
Moderators: you must take control of your games. While observing things is quite entertaining, as a moderator your job is to maintain order as the authority figure. If it isn’t clear then please ask for specifics. There is a reason why age limits are in place for participation in certain activities. This isn’t a jab at youth, but maturity. While it might be fun to watch a particular exchange between two or three players, the moderator must make sure it doesn’t devolve into personal or unprincipled assault. Being a moderator is not simply about having a new or great idea for a game. You must be vigilant in maintaining decorum. While it would seem obvious, there must be a respect for the moderator and the moderator’s decisions. Much like a referee or umpire, you may not agree with the call but it is theirs to make. It should also be obvious the moderator could miss something, so players should feel free to notify the game moderator, or us, of things worthy of note.
All players: moving forward we will utilize this progression for players with issues.
1) Private warning – when first noticing a problem worthy of change
2) Public Probation – if there is no attempt to rectify the problem
3) Ban – if there is still no change
This family is not perfect, but it is ours and we must be devoted to maintaining it. We must be earnest in keeping it healthy. We have tried to welcome all different play styles and levels of skill and participation. Let’s put aside our personal issues and make this a strong, vibrant forum mafia family.
It is time to formally deal with the state of our mafia family. Like all families, unity is critical if the family is to survive. While tension is bound to arise, and is actually healthy, chronic belligerence and personal attacks are not signs of a healthy family. Protection and preservation of this family is our highest priority. Therefore since our authority is final here, it will be addressed.
Evidence indicates there is no concerted effort to run off anyone or dissuade players from participating. However there has been much disregard for player respect and consideration. This is not a game for the bad tempered. While this game is based on pressure and “button pushing” it must remain affable after the final bell. If this is not what you’re looking for, then by all means go find it somewhere else. We will maintain a spirit of competition, but friendly competition. It should be quite clear if so many players are refusing to play because of something specific, it warrants scrutiny.
Drealmer7: while your style of play is mildly different than what we’ve had here for some time, please understand clearly; you are welcome to play here. However you must change some things. We want to be clear. You must change. There have been other players here with behaviors which were deemed worthy of discussion. It was handled through PM conversation and their changes were satisfactory. You, however, seem to not be willing or able to see yourself clearly. Your disregard for rules, overwhelming PMs to moderators, lack of respect for authority, and adverse effect on player moral make it mandatory for you to make some changes. We’re not your parent, brother, neighbor, or even your friend. We are the final authority and this is not open for discussion. It is up to you to make the changes you’ve been told about over and over. If you are not mature enough to do this you won’t play here. Since you have been spoken to via PM, and warned privately, you need to consider this probation.
Moderators: you must take control of your games. While observing things is quite entertaining, as a moderator your job is to maintain order as the authority figure. If it isn’t clear then please ask for specifics. There is a reason why age limits are in place for participation in certain activities. This isn’t a jab at youth, but maturity. While it might be fun to watch a particular exchange between two or three players, the moderator must make sure it doesn’t devolve into personal or unprincipled assault. Being a moderator is not simply about having a new or great idea for a game. You must be vigilant in maintaining decorum. While it would seem obvious, there must be a respect for the moderator and the moderator’s decisions. Much like a referee or umpire, you may not agree with the call but it is theirs to make. It should also be obvious the moderator could miss something, so players should feel free to notify the game moderator, or us, of things worthy of note.
All players: moving forward we will utilize this progression for players with issues.
1) Private warning – when first noticing a problem worthy of change
2) Public Probation – if there is no attempt to rectify the problem
3) Ban – if there is still no change
This family is not perfect, but it is ours and we must be devoted to maintaining it. We must be earnest in keeping it healthy. We have tried to welcome all different play styles and levels of skill and participation. Let’s put aside our personal issues and make this a strong, vibrant forum mafia family.

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory
Posted June 22, 2016

ADD Jumping Bean
Registered: Nov 2013
From United States

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City

"Vell, Zaphod's just zis guy, you know?"
Registered: Jun 2013
From United Kingdom
Posted June 22, 2016

The Reluctant Voter
Registered: Sep 2011
From Vatican City
Posted June 22, 2016
I sure would like an example of how exactly this will work in practice. The whole three-steps thing, actually.

Prepare For Descent
Registered: Mar 2014
From Canada
Posted June 22, 2016

But I'm sure Vit.. I mean the GogFather will clarify :)
Post edited June 22, 2016 by Leonard03

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted June 22, 2016
Changing topics, congrats to yogs on his victory in the qualifying game. Hopefully he gets the votes to advance to the final!
While the game itself was miss and hit, as in the Gallows game his scum-chat is quite entertaining:
While the game itself was miss and hit, as in the Gallows game his scum-chat is quite entertaining:

Master of Karate and friendship for everyone
Registered: Apr 2009
From British Indian Ocean Territory