agentcarr16: Huh. Nope, didn't realize that was a player doing that. I thought it was flavour, though rather bizarre flavour. And then I died, so there wasn't much I could do about it.
Did Hunter force me to kill Leonard03? Or just force me to kill someone?
Hunter had a one shot power, where he could request that a specific player take a specific type of action against another specific target (like he could request that someone be forced to kill someone else). For example, Hunter could have forced Leonard to cure Lift (or cure Hunter), and that would have been Leonard's action. However, if any of the pieces of Hunter's request were ineligible, then the request would have failed and Hunter's one shot would have been wasted.
The blackmail was Hunter forcing you to kill Leonard. I wouldn't have mod-hijacked your action like that; I was pretty much planning to mod-kill Leonard until Hunter made that request.
After Leonard was dead though, I finally planned to just prevent his revival by Trent until both you and Yog had flipped (using a special message, so that Trent might try again on a future night). Because of how events flowed naturally, it turned out to be a giant non-issue. Hunter hijacked your action to kill Leonard, Yogsloth was poisoned N1 (slated to die on Dawn 3), you got lynched Day 2, and so Leonard couldn't do anything until both of you were dead anyway.